Wish - Mapping Table Default Options to make it work as a FC Set List Generator


The mapping table ( setup -> midi/remote -> mapping ) is a nice option for a FC Set List Generator. The problem is that all of the mappings default to zero, so that if you turn mapping on, all of your presets will be mapped to preset zero. So if you only wanted to remap the 1st 5 presets and have the others remain unchanged, you have to go into the table and manually set all #'s in the table to their "1 to 1" values ( i.e preset 322 maps to 322 not 0 )

There are open tabs available at the bottom of the mapping page ... maybe one of these could be used to populate the table with 1 to 1 numbers instead of zeros. You can always go back to all 0's because there is a reset all option that fills it back up with 0's.
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