When will the Ultra be in stock again?


Anybody know when the Ultra will be back in stock again? Is there a phone number to call?

I'm pretty sure everyone will know the answer to that after the big countdown is over nExt Monday. There is a chance the ultra may no longer exist and a new model might be replacing it.
Official answer is that more stock is expected before the end of the month. Check back in a couple of weeks.
It may be worth it to you to shoot for a B-stock ultra. I, and a few others managed to get one in the cart yesterday morning after 8am. There is still hope!
nope just tried on the b stock and there out. but im going to wait till the count down is done and see what they a got
So my Ultra will be outdated as of manday?

Too bad, maybe the ultra will become like the Mesa Mark IIC+, after all the better amps were created, and then the IIC+ become popular again, probably not. Maybe the new Axe Fx, morphs into the actual amp it models... :^) Cant wait to be dissapointed and depressed, lol!
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