What's better than one $50,000 amplifier?

Thanks! It's pretty kick-ass sounding solo like that! Touch sensitive, sustains for days with my PRS Hollowbody and a little volume! :D

So sweet. The tone, the sustain, the characteristic attack and bloom... all there.
Thanks Lar--Tiny tweak and sounds great with my "06 USA DLX Strat".........Fralin Blues Specials...................
I'm with you MrGuitarAbuse! (hehe) Ok, only kidding, but it so sucks to hear a really awesome clip AND to have the patch provided, but have no way to do anything with it. Arghhhhh. ;)
Damnation!! I curse you XL people ;)

I'm with you MrGuitarAbuse! (hehe) Ok, only kidding, but it so sucks to hear a really awesome clip AND to have the patch provided, but have no way to do anything with it. Arghhhhh. ;)

Ask and ye shall receive: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/870088/AxeFx/patches/19.01/2 x ODS.zip

There are the blk files and a screen shot so you can rebuild the patch in your non-XL/XL+ units. Just save that folder in to your Axe-Edit's blocks directory. Every block is named '2 x ODS' followed by a number if there's more than one of them (so AMP 1 is '2 x ODS 1' and CAB 1 is '2 x ODS 1'). AMP 1 and CAB 1 are on Row 2, AMP 2 and CAB 2 are on Row 3.

Thanks Lar--Tiny tweak and sounds great with my "06 USA DLX Strat".........Fralin Blues Specials...................


But...who's this "Lar" person you speak of? ;)

- Ian (my username is my initials, phonetically speaking: I-R-C -- fun, right?)
Larry Carlton

So many more great Dumble players. I've spent too much time on The Gear Page. LOL
Ask and ye shall receive: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/870088/AxeFx/patches/19.01/2 x ODS.zip

There are the blk files and a screen shot so you can rebuild the patch in your non-XL/XL+ units. Just save that folder in to your Axe-Edit's blocks directory. Every block is named '2 x ODS' followed by a number if there's more than one of them (so AMP 1 is '2 x ODS 1' and CAB 1 is '2 x ODS 1'). AMP 1 and CAB 1 are on Row 2, AMP 2 and CAB 2 are on Row 3.


Holy!!! gotta reverse that evil Swedish curse now then ;)

thanks thanks thanks!!!!!
Has anyone (non XL user) created a patch to approximate iaresee's two dumbles? It's a beauty!! I am really trying to get his clarity but with the feedback. Thanks! I'm not having much luck.
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I don't know about the fractool.......seems like there would be "an easy way". It's a great patch............I've tried to build my own from scratch and sounds pretty good but iaresee's sound cloud blows the doors off of it. Sure'd like a quick fix.......
I don't know about the fractool.......seems like there would be "an easy way". It's a great patch............I've tried to build my own from scratch and sounds pretty good but iaresee's sound cloud blows the doors off of it. Sure'd like a quick fix.......
Hmm. Could be firmware revisions that are impacting you here -- this was done with FW19.something. I can open the patch up this weekend in Q2.04 and see how it sounds, post a new patch.
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