VU Meters in Axe Edit..?


So even though I use my AX8 all the time,.. I've just been way too busy to sit down and really dive into developing new presets from scratch and things like that,... in fact I don't even remember what update version I'm on in regards to the firmware. But this week I'll be updating everything and tweaking my old presets and what not...

One thing that drives me a bit batty is not having the VU meters in the Axe Edit.. I'm always having to reach down and pull it up on the AX8's screen - I thought I had read about this quite some time back, but didn't know if it has become a reality yet,... or if it ever will?

Again I apologize, but I've been out of touch a while and getting ready to play catch up :oops:
Things may have changed, but W-A-Y back in the Std/Ultra days, there used to be VU meters in AE.
However, [my understanding is that] due to the Axe not emitting appropriate MIDI data, they were an approximation and with the advent of AE v3 and the AF2, they were removed from the product due to space requirements, and so on.
Unless Cliff has changed the OS functionally with the III, my assumption is that those are still the valid restrictions.

DISCLAIMER: My $0.02 - not an "official" FAS position.
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