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Volume pedal


New Member
Hi, I'm gonna buy a volume pedal to go with my new FX8. Can anyone tell if it is better to control volume with an analogue pedal or use an expression pedal programmed for volume. Thanks
I'd go with an expression pedal. Then you can use it as a volume pedal—before or after the preamp, depending on your presets and your needs...or a delay fader, or a wah, or a speed control for the Rotary, or a whammy, or...
I'd go with an expression pedal. Then you can use it as a volume pedal—before or after the preamp, depending on your presets and your needs...or a delay fader, or a wah, or a speed control for the Rotary, or a whammy, or...

Totally agree.

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Hi, I'm gonna buy a volume pedal to go with my new FX8. Can anyone tell if it is better to control volume with an analogue pedal or use an expression pedal programmed for volume. Thanks

I use a Moog expression pedal as a global volume pedal. I think it's set for after post out? I picked up 2 of these pedals from Chicago Music Exchange for $60 shipped through an offer on Reverb.com. They seem to be well made and have a great taper and feel for a volume pedal. I did pick up a used Mission pedal that I use for wah since it feels like a wah, but I may like the Moog feel better even for that.
One question on pedals - expression vs. volume. I have been using a volume pedal and it has only a cord which I use for plugging into the MFC input 1. Whereas expression pedals I have seen have both input and output jacks. Does it function in the same manner whereby you would only use the output jack connected to the MFC?
One question on pedals - expression vs. volume. I have been using a volume pedal and it has only a cord which I use for plugging into the MFC input 1. Whereas expression pedals I have seen have both input and output jacks. Does it function in the same manner whereby you would only use the output jack connected to the MFC?

What pedal are you using? Do you recall any specific examples of a pedal being marketed as "expression pedal" with separate in & out ports?

Expression pedals typically use one TRS cable. Volume pedals usually have a separate in and out port, and require a 2xTS to 1xTRS cable to work (results may vary due to audio pot taper) for expression.
Hello, I'm new to this site and I just got my FX8. I understand the advantages of the EV-1 expression pedal and will one day get one. I already have a Ernie Ball VP Jr. and was wondering what was the best way hook it up. I can put it between the guitar and the FX8 input...but is there another or better way? Thanks
Hello, I'm new to this site and I just got my FX8. I understand the advantages of the EV-1 expression pedal and will one day get one. I already have a Ernie Ball VP Jr. and was wondering what was the best way hook it up. I can put it between the guitar and the FX8 input...but is there another or better way? Thanks
Depends on whether you're going to use it as an expression pedal or as a volume pedal.
Passive analog volume pedals are notorious for causing high end loss or "tone sucking" because they load your guitar's (passive) pickups more than the high impedance input of most amps and pedals. Some like this effect, many do not. If you do use an analog volume pedal and want to avoid tonal changes, put it in the FX loop of the FX-8 so it's buffered. With active pickups, the pedal's loading has much less impact. You can also put a buffered pedal in front of the volume pedal to help too.

Expression pedals give you a lot more versatility, offer adjustable taper options, don't cause any loading or tonal changes, and won't get audibly scratchy as they get dirty or worn since controller damping smooths out the response.
What @mr_fender said. But you can still put it right after your guitar if you want to. Put it after Pre Out to avoid tone suck.
You can also use your EB VP jr as an expression pedal, using a special cable (TRS to dual TS). I've got a 25K ohm version and it works pretty well - I use it for effects other than volume and the non-linear curve doesn't bother me.
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