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V10.01? Yup


Power User
Decided to order me another II, and when it arrived I noticed it has this:


Can someone elaborate in the differences?
Only people buying a new Axe II will get 10.01 ;)

On a more serious note, I think that new units can be installed with 10.01 by factory now and Cliff is waiting for responses from the beta testers on upgrading from 10 to 10.01. My 2c.
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This isn't new actually. Cliff has shipped out AxeFx units with a later firmware than is available on fractalaudio.com or announced here on the forum, before. Usually he'll announce it here very shortly thereafter. The fact that he's confident enough to release it to customers this way is a good sign that we'l see it here momentarily.
I want the new bug fix firmware 10.01 now!!! lol

The first thing I'm doing is checking the accuracy of the TM block, and checking if the looper reboot bug is fixed!!!
They must have loaded 10.01 in some new units thinking it had fixed the bugs, and then afterwards found out that some of the bugs still existed.

They will now have to release v10.02
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