Using my AX8 in FX8 mode ques


Power User
Any tips to use the AX8 with an amp that doesn't have an FX loop? I have been toying with the idea of using my Hayseed 30 for a new project. It's basically a Vox AC30. I am getting some serious hiss with simple patches; overdrive before delay, or just the flanger\phasor. I have the gate on, but its losing a lot of tone.
Set Boost/Pad to max and turn up Output 1 Level all the way.
Set Boost/Pad to max and turn up Output 1 Level all the way.

I am a bit confused. Isn't the boost pad not only on output 2?

I am having the same issues as the op.
At the moment i use output 2 to my amp input. (With humbuster cable) output is at -10db and boost pad at 12db.
No Tone suck but still some extra hiss.
Today i hopefully get the fx8. And Will compare hiss levels.
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