Using External Switches to Control the Looper


I am encountering the following issue with the looper play and record functions set to be controlled by external switches 1&2 via MFC:

After recording a loop and clicking play to begin playback, I then have to "clear" the record button before I can record again by clicking it once. Alternatively, I can start playing the loop by clicking the record button, but then I have to "clear" the play button before I can click it to stop the loop. This is because they are both in toggle mode, but in any other mode they don't work as intended.

Is this an unavoidable part of using ext swtiches to control the looper?
I use the liquid foot pro. I have it set to a momentary switch. I press the switch & hold it down to record the loop. When I release, it begins playing. If I want to record a new loop, I just press record again. I also have another switch set to stop or play the loop.
I don't want to have to hold the switch, though. Essentially, I'm looking for a way for the external switches to act as the "looper control mode" does on the MFC.
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