Using crossover block to separate guitar ranges or strings between amps.


A while ago I heard that using the crossover block, it was possible to send the lower 3 strings range to one amp, and the upper 3 to another. Like having the low end sent to the Uber and the high end into a Mark IIC. Is that kinda doable? And if so, could someone share the settings for the Xover? Thanks a bunch!

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The peavey tube fex had a stereo simulator that was basically an graphic eq that had a pan control on each band that worked well for things like that and acoustic simulation.
Maybe something for the Wish list?
It's a frequency based thing rather than by strings. Find the appropriate frequency for the note where you want the split to happen.
Low E is 83Hz then 110Hz then 146Hz then to 196Hz by the time you get to the G string.
You could pan hard left frequencies below 200Hz and pan hard right frequencies above that threshold.

Then you can use the amp input advanced parameter and set the Euro Uber input to left and the Usa Lead input to right.

Then you can pan the amps in any way you want.

Of course this will never be a perfect separation. Every note has some upper and lower harmonics.
I used the crossover in one of my 12 string emulations to split out the top two strings. Look for my presets under 'plyall' on the Axe-Change site.
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