Use of Tonestack


Can somebody give me some insight in how to use/ how you you use tonestack-types ?
Do you have any favourite combinations of ampmodels with different tonestacks
and why do some of them dont seem to change the sound ?
The combinations are so many that i find it confusing to choose from - thats the beauty of the Axe but it is also very timeconsuming and difficult to cutomize ones own sounds.
I too would like to know how others use the Tonestack... I dont use it at all....maybe need too :)
A couple of combinations that worked for me with the Ultra:

Class A + TopBoost stack
HiPower with Blackface or TopBoost or Vintage or JM45 stack

SV Bass with the Uber stack is pretty nifty for bass.

Go ahead, mix&match.

It's fun and you won't break anything.
It helps if you have some familiarity with the behaviors of specific tonestacks in actual amps. Otherwise, you're flying blind. It also helps to understand that the "Passive" selection is identical to the tonestack for that amp type. For example, if you're using the Brownface amp sim with "passive" selected, selecting the Brownface tonestack won't change anything.
I almost always change the tone stack on my patches, but like Jay mentioned, I do so flying blindly. One of my main patches uses the Brit Pre sim with the Brownface tonestack. I notice that changing the tone stack can adversely affect the overall shape of the tone, with the Brownface making my Brit Pre sound bigger and fuller to my ears. That's the main reason I do it. Whenever I make a new patch, I play with the default passive tone stack for the amp sim for a bit, then go to the tone stacks and just start cycling through to see if there's anything I like more (which there usually is). I tend to like the Brownface tone stack with nearly all higher gain amp sims. I can't give you any techincal reason why this is - it just sounds bigger and with more bottom end to me, which is usually something my ears find appealing.
If recording direct i like using the passive tone stack and when playing through my mesa rig, ive been liking the results using the active tone stack. As mentioned above i do like the brownface tonestack for high gain. Im not sure why either. Haha.
I saw that there was a JTM mod for the Marsha amps so I used the JTM45 tonestack with the HB and HBE models and like that combo. Have to try the Brownface with the High gain amps, Thanks!
I saw that there was a JTM mod for the Marsha amps so I used the JTM45 tonestack with the HB and HBE models and like that combo. Have to try the Brownface with the High gain amps, Thanks!

hmm, i will try that tonite. ive tried the plexi tonestack with the marsha hbe and dug that as well.
I too have been "flying blind" with more misses than hits. I'm thinking that my problem is that I'm playing with the tonestack after I have done tweaking in other places. It has a large influence on the overall tone, IMO, even though it is on the "advanced" page. I'm wondering if anyone has had a better experience by choosing an amp and cab and then going in and choosing a tonestack and then start the tweaking process from there. Any opinions? Thanks in advance.
From a recommendation here, I tried the SVT Bass with the blackface tonestack. The effect was trying to create a Dumble Steel String Singer. I haven't revisted it singoing from a amp/cab setup to monitors, but I remember digging it.
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