UPS Needed? Brown outs, sharing breaker with AC


I'm about to move into an apartment in a pretty busy part of town. I haven't gotten a chance to scope out the power situation. The space is well supplied with outlets. I was just told by my girlfriend that she found a cluster of 6 outlets around the area I wanted to put a workstation. The building doesn't look ancient. Still I've seen the lights dim in her current place when her window unit air conditioner kicks on and with summer approaching I'm concerned. Up until now my toys have been coddled outside the city so setting up shop in the this environment is new too me. So I was hoping I could get some advice on dealing with the axe, computers and amps in different power conditions. I've got your traditional sub 100 dollar furman for surge protection but I'm a little concerned and not sure how to approach the power dipping if my gear ends up sharing a breaker with microwaves, fridges, air conditioners, ect. I'm considering getting this from new egg. Will an un interrupted power supply help? ... 6842102048

My setup includes...
Mac Pro 8-core
A host of external hard drives, and devices
a home brew Atom based file server
Powered Nearfield monitors, including cheap-o sub
1-2 24" LCD monitors
Axe-fx when home with it
Sometimes a low power carvin tube combo or my higher power Rivera TBR-1SL

Which pieces of gear would benefit the most from an un interrupted power supply?
Some gear doesn't take kindly to abrubt power outs. A TC Electronics G-Major will croak if you don't power down from the power off button. Brownouts fry more gear than surges. My entire studio is on a commercial 1800 watt UPS via 2 switching outlets and multiple powerstrips which gives me 40+ access points and a single path to ground. One plug will detach my entire studio from source power in the event of an electrical storm and all my gear, including my Axe, is crispy quiet.
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