The whole setup with foh + cab


I have a frayed and vague idea on how to do this the easiest way..

How do you guys set this up for all your patches? Is it like a global block or what?
For instans: I am running with Speaker Simulation off and now I want to use my stereo cab configuration out of the pa - with all my patches. How is the easiest way to do all this on the front panel as well as AE.

I'm just wondering whether I have to edit the preset everytime I want to try a new preset when I'm playing with both cab and foh :)

I'm Pretty sure if I'm understanding you right, you need to add OP-2 to all of the presets your going to use including ones you want to audition. So your cabs as a back line (stereo) through OP-2 and cab sims for FOH correct?
Okay! Yes you're Got it right!

And output 2 is added by connecting a Line from the main track and then adding cabs and fx-loop ?:)
Okay! Yes you're Got it right!

And output 2 is added by connecting a Line from the main track and then adding cabs and fx-loop ?:)

If you want cab sims to go to FOH using XLR's then you would have the fx-loop before the cab sims in the signal chain (usually how this is done) because the snake run to FOH can be fairly long.


This simple layout shows the signal path for OP-1 to FOH with the cab sim. Placing the FX loop block after the amp and any effects you want to include in your you back line will send that signal to OP-2 via the FX loop which you would use to send to your power amp and cabs on stage.

Amp > Delay > Cab
----------------\ FX-Loop

So if your demoing any presets with your rig setup in this fashion you will need to place an FX loop block in this mannor. Layouts can get much more complex with respect to effects this is just a basic idea to help get your head around the signal flow ;).
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