the Eventide H90 leak reminds us of how good we have it with FM3

Well, today I got to try the Eventide H90….. half hour playing and packed everything back the way it was and sending it back ……sound quality of the FX are nothing spectacular compared to the Fractals and programming and routing is less easy……I prefer the Plex Reverbs and Multitap Delays of the FM3 they way I use them and the Eventide had less depth compared the FM3….. I should have made comparison videos but just did not have mood to spend time in it….. got frustrated :( I really wanted the Eventide to sound better hahahaha

Biggest frustration was to get the dry signal nicely mixed between the On/ Off state of the Delays and Reverbs…… as soon as I bypassed on of them, it changed my Dry signal a bit …. Or in level or coloration…….so Goodbye Eventide H90.
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Half an hour does not sound like anywhere near enough time to really take something like this through its paces.
It does not take long to hear the quality of the FX…. I only use simple delays and reverbs , so after setting up everything the way I like the settings and stuff, it was clear enough for me …..but yeah that’s me :)
It does not take long to hear the quality of the FX…. I only use simple delays and reverbs , so after setting up everything the way I like the settings and stuff, it was clear enough for me …..but yeah that’s me :)
I remember when I got for example my Strymon Nightsky it took me close to a week to really figure it out to my liking. Even for simpler pedals it has sometimes taken me days to figure out the best ways to use them. It has made several pedals go from "eh, I don't really like it" to "oh this is really good."

So I just don't understand people who go "I tried it for 30 minutes and returned it". But you do you.
I remember when I got for example my Strymon Nightsky it took me close to a week to really figure it out to my liking. Even for simpler pedals it has sometimes taken me days to figure out the best ways to use them. It has made several pedals go from "eh, I don't really like it" to "oh this is really good."

So I just don't understand people who go "I tried it for 30 minutes and returned it". But you do you.
I understand mate, no problems of course…. I know what I want and the way to program gear so that it works for my workflow and ideas and the Eventide is so easy with the Control App that it takes very little time to really hear the quality of the FX…. I don’t need deep dives and complicated sounds….does not mean the H90 sounds bad….. NOT at all !!
Just I prefer the Fractal sounds with the Plex Verbs and Multi Delays and the workflow of Fractal gear. Besides that it has SPdif and XLR out which saves tons of extra cables.
, thanks !
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You guys, so funny, discussing tis in the echo chamber of this forum.

The real problem is Fractal not being sold anywhere but here.

So yes lets those who dont know use the H90. Hell, the h90 will probably make more money selling then all of fractal?
@Xcdchdchjjf You are now cross-thread complaining that Fractal isn't sold anywhere else.
Why does this bother you so?

Do you work for a music gear re-seller? If you do, I get it. It would be fun to sell Fractal stuff!

If you don't, you should really not worry about it. Cliff has proven he can run a business.
Play more and worry less.
You guys, so funny, discussing tis in the echo chamber of this forum.
yep, let's discuss this in a motorbike forum.

The real problem is Fractal not being sold anywhere but here.

what problem ? is there a problem ?
man, you're boring...

So yes lets those who dont know use the H90. Hell, the h90 will probably make more money selling then all of fractal?

it surely will...but have you ever considered the differences between the two business ? Fractal and Eventide are widely different, in terms of financial power, manufacturing capabilities and R&D... stop comparing apples and opamps !
What I think is being missed here and on a lot of threads is different players have different needs and expectations at different price points.
Is it your goal to build a rig for 1500 bucks total to gig with? The H90 probably isn’t for you. It’s not a bad goal, but this product isn’t for you. It’s too expensive and doesn’t do enough for the money. FOR YOU.

That’s not to say the h90 is a bad value. Not everyone cares what things cost under their feet and just want good tools to get that job done. Those people aren’t wrong, either. Everyone’s goals are different with one players goal no more valid than the next.
it surely will...but have you ever considered the differences between the two business ? Fractal and Eventide are widely different, in terms of financial power, manufacturing capabilities and R&D... stop comparing apples and opamps !
Not that we will ever know but I question this. I wouldn’t bet one is exponentially bigger than the other. I’d be surprised if one was twice as big in staff and capital.
Not everyone cares what things cost under their feet and just want good tools to get that job done. Those people aren’t wrong, either. Everyone’s goals are different with one players goal no more valid than the next.
This is meant in the friendliest way possible, but people who don’t care what something costs and furthermore if it is a good value are most certainly “wrong”. Especially when dealing with products meant for mass production. I can understand (sort of) this attitude when talking about one of kind items or rare objects. I began to go into a lengthy philosophical explanation why it’s detrimental, but I don’t want to make this a bigger deal than it warrants. Also, I’m not necessarily arguing unequivocally that the H90 is a bad value or costs too much.
This is meant in the friendliest way possible, but people who don’t care what something costs and furthermore if it is a good value are most certainly “wrong”. Especially when dealing with products meant for mass production. I can understand (sort of) this attitude when talking about one of kind items or rare objects. I began to go into a lengthy philosophical explanation why it’s detrimental, but I don’t want to make this a bigger deal than it warrants. Also, I’m not necessarily arguing unequivocally that the H90 is a bad value or costs too much.
I appreciate your response and understand your POV. Personally, when I’m building a board or putting together a rig, short of something retarded like a Dumble, the amount of money isn’t life altering. Therefore I don’t really care. If the FM9 was twice the price, I’d still have bought it. I need it to play out so short of it being 10x the price of the competition, I’m going to buy it.
In a sub 1k dollar pedal, it just doesn’t matter. If I want it, I’m just going to order it. I care more it does what’s advertised than what it costs. I’m nowhere near rich. I don’t own a boat or a classic car and I punch a clock. I also typically wouldn’t go into savings for things like this. I definitely wouldn’t miss a savings goal, either.
It’s perfectly ok you think I’m wrong for how I view gear, money or purchases in general. What I do works for me and needs to work for me. If it works, it’s “right”.
...Personally, when I’m building a board or putting together a rig, short of something retarded like a Dumble, the amount of money isn’t life altering.... so short of it being 10x the price of the competition, I’m going to buy it.
In a sub 1k dollar pedal, it just doesn’t matter. If I want it, I’m just going to order it...I also typically wouldn’t go into savings for things like this. I definitely wouldn’t miss a savings goal, either....
Aha! So you do care! You just have higher tolerances. :p
Gee, a piece of gear is being sold for too much money that another piece of gear can do better for less. That's never happened before...(sarcasm here).

I'm just friggin' happy that I didn't fall for this and have an FM3.
Fractal is not being sold here.. It is being sold at their dealers.
Sure, you might find a few used for sale on this forum, but also in any other guitar gear forum.
I think he by "here" he means directly from Fractal, which is how it works in North America... There's no "dealer".
There's a few people that are being a bit dismissive about the H90. Personally, I'm looking forward to getting one. I think it will be quite complimentary to Fractal (and other) gear.

Sure, it's expensive. But when compared to other devices in that class, the price is not surprising. If you buy a couple of the large Strymon pedals you're at about the same price and have far less capability. Heck, the H90 can do most of the things that 2/3 of the pedals that Strymon sells. Plus pitch shifting.
Hey Tim, did you ever get one? Curious what your thoughts are. I think I'm going to grab once, one they become more available in Canada.
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