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The bro0tz happened!


I hooked up my LTD EX360 today which I haven't played in months and as the thread title suggests, the bro0tz happened :D

I had totally forgotten how good this guitar sounds though the Axe. I picked it up, noodled for a bit and then I tuned it to Drop D and loaded my 6505 preset. Kaboom! I was floored! It was like a revelation. I proceeded to play for the next 3-4 hours and recorded this little clip to share my excitement with you.

Have you guys ever had moments like that where you neglect playing one of your guitars and when you finally pick it up you wonder why you haven't been playing it as much?

Here's the clip. You can download all of my presets from my blog, this is the 6505+ preset.

This happens to me all the time with my ESP. Such a beastly sounding guitar, i leave it alone for a while then my face is blown off when i pick it up.
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