Super Vee and Blade Runner Vibratos: anyone have experience?

Had a bladerunner for a bit, then swapped it for a Gotoh 2 point trem. It felt very stiff and just didn't have the feel I was after. I personally don't feel like it increased tuning stability. Solid knife edges work just as well. Tuning problems usually stem from the nut not being properly cut as well as non-locking saddles (both the Gotoh and Bladerunner are non-locking so they both perform equally).
I know it's not what you asked for, but have you considered getting a strat with 2 point tremolo, staggered tuners and no string trees?
I know it's not what you asked for, but have you considered getting a strat with 2 point tremolo, staggered tuners and no string trees?

Don't really want another strat. Put a lot of $ into this one... I just put in Sperzel locking tuners. Probably need nut lube. But my floating trem is not good because of the 'indent' on the face of the guitar underneath the bridge - just not consistent.
I have a Bladerunner, it does have a slightly stiff feel. It retro fitted the six screw vintage quite well. I do like the engineering of it and the arm. It could be better if it was a snap in arm rather than screw in in my opinion.

It isn't a Floyd Rose, but with locking tuners, a good nut and eliminating string trees it's not a bad choice at all. I have it set up to float. Not sure what you mean by the indent ?
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