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So, V14...

*lowers sunglasses* Mother of God.

I've wanted a Savage in the Axe-Fx since I first bought an Ultra in 2009. Today is a goooood day. Thanks so much Cliff & Co.!

Oh, and thanks for the 2-channel Recto Orange Modern mode and the new Triaxis Red channel and the reworked other Recto models and the Brootal amp and and and... This update is sounding so awesome that I might actually have to call in sick to work when it comes out.

I have a question about the Savage model though. The manual describes the Lead Boost Switch like this: "Boosts the degree of distortion in the Lead Channel, with primary influence on the bottom end."

Is the Axe-Fx's Savage sim modeled with this button engaged?
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"Improved Amp block triode model. New model more accurately replicates behavior when triode enters saturation. This results in a warmer and punchier tone with smoother distortion characteristics."

this sounds BIG.

Wondering if it includes the preamp triodes as well as the power amp triode mode.
If a contest existed for efficient avatars, I'd have won.
You sure would.

I can think of more efficient avatars, but they would be even less aesthetically pleasing.

kidding again!

I'll stop now before I really start losing credits.
Yes, it definitely does!

The what??? Yes, I know what it means regarding real amps and I do own an amp that can run power tubes in triode mode. But I've not heard of a triode/pentode switch in the Axe poweramp modeling??

Yeah that was unclear, I was thinking about the single ended power amp models sorry.
Awesome... finally get a little Engl Savage action. Unfortunately I won't be able to update til tomorrow... long day ahead.
SAVAGE 120, YES!!! Tiis was my favourite "djent" amp before I switched to AXE2 and started using the 5153 model. Gonna compare these plus the FAS Brootalz too!
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