So how many of you use hex pickups/13 pin instruments?


Fractal Fanatic
It DOES pop up from time to time - users asking FAS for hex processing or 13 pin input or guitar modelling. I myself would like to see it, but I know from the vg-99 and axon forums that this market is indeed a pretty small one. However, I don't think that the majority of players out there realize the power that is available from this sort of arrangement.

So as feedback to FAS as to the market out there that would be interested in this sort of thing, or who are using it already, please indicate if you have or would like to see this in a future version of the axe.

If all this means nothing to you, google/youtube the vg-99 and the axon to see the kind of possibilites that this sort of thing would open up....especially with quality processing by FAS!
My current set up:
guitar (Roland ready strat or Godin Nylon String) into:
13 pin connector into
Splitter (Roland GKP-4) into
Roland VG-8 and Roland GR-55 into Soundblox Multiwave Distortion
Inputs 1 & 2 on the Axe-FX II
all controlled by the Liquid Foot Pro
into QSC HPR 122i speakers

In my opinion, the 13 pin is the weakest link in the rig. I like what it enables me to do, but wish there were a better method. Like maybe a wireless equivalent built into the guitar.
I had the VG-88 and loved it. I've 2 guitars equipped with the GK-2A

Would like to see some sort of fractal vg system. maybe a seperate 1U 19"?
A while back I was looking at the wireless 13 pin thing too - I HATE those cables! LOL!!! But turns out at the time that it would have been a wireless transmission NIGHTMARE and would have needed to be broadcast using so much frequencies and using so much bandwidth that it did not seem feasible at the time. There is new technology now that may change that tho, I'd have to do some more research. The other thing is the cost - it would be pretty expensive, and because the market is so small, there would not be a lot of companies jumping at the chance to manufacture them.

Which is why I kinda hope deep down that FAS takes this up if they see a lot of users who would like it - axe fx players are CLEARLY not afraid to fork over 2000-3000 for a piece of gear, and if they add in a feature like this, I'm sure folks would not be afraid to pay the price for it. But it boils down to market again, and I'm hoping that this thread will spark interest in a lot of players and FAS, and hopefully expand the market a little.

There's also the steve jobs type philosophy - people don't know they need something till you show it to them - everyone thought that the ipad would be a bust - why would we want something that is already covered with existing phones and laptops? Turns out that when people realized how useful it would be, they made it into one of the best selling devices of all time. I was also one of the doubters, and now you can't pry my ipad from my hands.....

Similarly, if FAS takes this up, guitarists (and bassists) would start using the technology, and it might well spread like wildfire, just like when the axe came into the picture for guitarists everywhere. You don't NEED an MFC to use the axe - but most of us have one - we don't NEED hex processing, but if it's there, I'm certain a LOT more players would start using it and see just how much it changes things...
Got two GK guitars... one with the GK2B, one with GK3A.
Gigged with first one for about 3 yrs using a GR33. Second is (was) used with the VG99.
I have never gigged with the VG99 - too flimsy IMHO - and it's overly complex, but mighty flexible. I love the guitar modeling, alternate tuning's and such. It still sits next to the Axe (in back room) even tho' I haven't powered it since.. ??? Heck, can't remember when.

Jon, much as I think it would be neat to have that all in one FAS package, I believe FAS should stick to is core strengths. Roland has been at the forefront of 13-pin technology since it's inception. They are a large company and can afford the financial "hit" to provide to a niche market. Including it in a FAS model would not make me want to upgrade from what I already have. <shrug>
Got two GK guitars... one with the GK2B, one with GK3A.
Gigged with first one for about 3 yrs using a GR33. Second is (was) used with the VG99.
I have never gigged with the VG99 - too flimsy IMHO - and it's overly complex, but mighty flexible. I love the guitar modeling, alternate tuning's and such. It still sits next to the Axe (in back room) even tho' I haven't powered it since.. ??? Heck, can't remember when.

Jon, much as I think it would be neat to have that all in one FAS package, I believe FAS should stick to is core strengths. Roland has been at the forefront of 13-pin technology since it's inception. They are a large company and can afford the financial "hit" to provide to a niche market. Including it in a FAS model would not make me want to upgrade from what I already have. <shrug>

I've got an American made Roland ready strat, Godin multiac nylon, custom made midi guitar, a hamer with Gk2 and a MM silo special with a GK3. I've owned an Axon 100mk2, VG-99 and use a GR55 and a GR 20 & 30. As you can tell I'm a big fan of guitar synths but haven't fully incorporated the GR55 with my axe2 rig. It's a lot of fun having all these sounds at my disposal. Lately I've just spent my time playing with my axe especially after these new updates!
Got two GK guitars... one with the GK2B, one with GK3A.
Gigged with first one for about 3 yrs using a GR33. Second is (was) used with the VG99.
I have never gigged with the VG99 - too flimsy IMHO - and it's overly complex, but mighty flexible. I love the guitar modeling, alternate tuning's and such. It still sits next to the Axe (in back room) even tho' I haven't powered it since.. ??? Heck, can't remember when.

Jon, much as I think it would be neat to have that all in one FAS package, I believe FAS should stick to is core strengths. Roland has been at the forefront of 13-pin technology since it's inception. They are a large company and can afford the financial "hit" to provide to a niche market. Including it in a FAS model would not make me want to upgrade from what I already have. <shrug>

I understand where you're coming from, but that's not the attitude for a young and fast growing company to have at ALL - think about it - if apple stuck to their core competence there would be no iphone, no ipad etc. If microsoft stuck to their core competence there would be no kinect.

If Cliff stuck to his core competence, the axe fx would never have been born.

Think about it. I normally respect everything you say, but this one time I heartily disagree. FAS is about pushing limits and going where no-one has really gone, and it's working well for them so far. They are about changing in a dynamic world - that's EXACTLY why when we ask for features we can get them in as little as a few weeks time with every firmware upgrade. Now if there is no market for this sort of thing, it makes no sense really for FAS to do it - unless they want to push boundaries again, but if there IS a market for it - which is what this thread is about, it will give them some feedback that there ARE a number of users who would be interested in this.

No disrespect or anything man - but FAS is all ABOUT change, and NOT staying complacent in a comfort zone ;)
No disrespect or anything man - but FAS is all ABOUT change, and NOT staying complacent in a comfort zone ;)
None taken... and don't disagree with the above quote.. I just don't think it's in the 13-pin area. However, Cliff may prove me wrong :)
I invested in the guitar-MIDI route a while ago. years.
I chose the best (for me tracking speed and accuracy) system I could find (graphtech ghost + Axon100) and some real synths, not the crappy ROMpler offerings Roland likes to market as synths.
So here I am with a bunch of nice Waldorfs, the Alesis micron (completely underrated synth - great engine), Nord Modular and of course the usual softsynths (Omnisphere etc.)

point is, I don't really use them.

I prefer to use a 88-key hammer-action keyboard for all types of pianos, keys and most synth sounds, although the Axon is useful to record some cello lines, I admit.
but that's a stringed instrument.
For me, right now, way too much information is lost in the translation between guitar and MIDI that needs to be carefully (and timeconsumingly) edited back into the recorded parts.
The Axe preserves every little nuance, and I mean EVERY little thing you do with your left and right hand and makes you a better player (or a very frustrated one ;) )
I can get all the otherworldly sounds I need from the Axe, and the only 'alternative' for me right now would be the Moog guitar.
That thing sure looks interesting...
I was looking at getting a moog guitar a while ago, but got some other bit of gear instead! :p

Thing is - with the speed of the axe's pitch detection, it's second to none - might even rival that of the axon if we put it thru it's paces (or maybe it is based on the same type of technology). I too have an axon and some Roland synths, but I know I would use guitar-midi a LOT more if it was in the axe.
Personally I think Fractal is on the right path. I hope when Cliff feels he has the tube modeling thing mastered he gets back to the effects. New param's for existing and completley new additions.
I like the idea of midi control in a guitar but roland has that market until something new comes along. Also who could compete with their prices?
+1 for the fx.

Why in FAS's right mind WOULD they compete with big names like Roland, line 6, digitech? Won't the big names have superior prices and resources and budgets and won't everyone laugh at a small company for trying?

A few years later, and FAS are the undisputed kings of the hill, miles and miles ahead of the game.

And who said it would compete with Roland? They are already 'competing' in the amp modeling dept if you look at it that way, and not doing too bad either....
Also, there will be a point of diminishing returns sooner or later. If FAS is already 98% there, there will come a time where they are 99.99% there and will have little room to improve. They will then have to innovate or push boundaries. Hex processing is def a way - you're now talking about guitar modeling, pickup modeling, guitar-midi etc....a whole new dimension of barely touched gems.....
I 'm sorry Jon, but I have been around a while also, playing professionally for 25++ years. 13 pin stuff is not as popular as you make it out to be. Sorry-it just isn't. I see no viable reason for FA to even consider this, maybe in 10 years or more. They don't need that tiny market to distract them or the axe. I'm not trying to argue here., So please do not take it as such. If we were sitting around a table talking with friends this is how we would talk, no?
Anyway, just my 2 cents of course.
I have a Tele with the GraohTech ghost system.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
I know it's not as popular as magnetic/traditional, but it has been gaining ground over the years. Look companies like fender and carvin make 13 pin guitars, and recently carvin added a whole bunch of 13pin models. It's not popular, but then again, if it came stock on the axe II when it was released, most of us would go and look for a gk3 pickup to take full advantage of it with the axe.

On the practical side of things, there is a lot more to gain from having 13 pin, a LOT more. Trouble with most guitarists is that they do not embrace new technology readily. But if given the FAS quality with 13pin options, I think guitarists would take a little more heed.

Totally respect your opinion, I like open discussion ;)
I know it's not as popular as magnetic/traditional, but it has been gaining ground over the years. Look companies like fender and carvin make 13 pin guitars, and recently carvin added a whole bunch of 13pin models. It's not popular, but then again, if it came stock on the axe II when it was released, most of us would go and look for a gk3 pickup to take full advantage of it with the axe.

On the practical side of things, there is a lot more to gain from having 13 pin, a LOT more. Trouble with most guitarists is that they do not embrace new technology readily. But if given the FAS quality with 13pin options, I think guitarists would take a little more heed.

Totally respect your opinion, I like open discussion ;)

didn't Gibson build a guitar with an ethernet port that transported every strings signal separately years ago?
seems like a much, much better option than the 13 pin, to me, but it didn't really go anywhere...
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