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So frustrated I want to throw the AX8 in the Trash

Did you buy it new or used? Contact Fractal Customer support, they will help sort it out or honor the guarantee.
I bought it brand new directly from Fractal. I have put in a support case. I am just so frustrated and venting more than anything else, which probably is the wrong thing to do.
I will 100 percent 2nd trying another computer. If it does it on a second computer you will then will absolutley know its the ax8. Sorry for the issues, i have had ZERO issues. Also make sure everything is current. ...firmware, axedit, etc. Who knows what you have installed on your main computer so eliminate it entirely to confirm its the ax8.
I expected this. Before buying the Fractal, the one common denominator on various other forums, was that this forum is like cult. Critize their beloved units, and be prepared to be attacked!

Depends on the way you post, not on venting some frustrations if your Fractal product is defective. As i said, there has never been one single electronics product that didnt had bad apples.

You are in your rights to express your discontent, it's very understandable considering the prices we have to pay, but do it in a way that's respectful, i have failed to do this regarding other things and been punished accordingly.
I expected this. Before buying the Fractal, the one common denominator on various other forums, was that this forum is like cult. Critize their beloved units, and be prepared to be attacked!
wow....Come on--People have tried to help. The rest is just joking around. I don't think anyone expects you to mail it to them. Do you? Please call fractal.
Did you buy it used or new as Nicolas asked already?

Also did you try another computer as mentioned above?
I expected this. Before buying the Fractal, the one common denominator on various other forums, was that this forum is like cult. Critize their beloved units, and be prepared to be attacked!

So you prejudged the members of this forum based on other peoples views from other forums? Yikes!

As Nicolas stated above, if you come to a forum, ANY forum for that matter, and post in a disrespectful way you better expect to get some flak in return. The vast majority of the persons here are trying to help you. Continuously purchasing USB cables is definitely not the answer. I can't imagine why you went past 2 to be honest. It's obviously not the cable unless you are buying some cheapo defective one repeatedly.

You opened a support ticket and Fractal is well known, rightfully so, for their stellar customer support. And you will be taken care regardless of the tantrums.

Hang in there. You will love the AX8 once your issues are resolved.
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I've had some oddities where on occasion, AX8-Edit won't be able to connect after my W10 machine resumes from sleep. I haven't been able to nail down a reason for when it does or doesn't happen, as it's quite rare on my setup. Reboot always fixes the problem.

My Axe II, in contrast, never had problems with Axe-Edit's connection but tends to lose USB audio when the machine resumes and the Axe is turned on after resume. Fixed with unplug/replug of the USB. My 11r did this too.
Why trash it? Guy is having legit problems with it. Things aren't always candy canes and love letters!

Legit problems are no good excuses for childish posts. And childish posts get childish answers. Describe your problem and the tests you made, you may get good answers.
Mate, I work with computers. This is what I'd do
- shut everything down
- restart the PC/MAC
- Try each USB port (one cable at he time but not more then 2 as it is probably useless)
- If possible try a different PC/MAC
- if all this fails open a tick with FAS....your AX8 is new and under warranty

Good luck
He's frustrated. Either way his opinion and post is every bit as legit as the next guy. Either help him or don't, that's up to you.
He''s got a support ticket in progress. The thread is premature prior to that interaction running its course other than for the purpose of public venting. He's already engaged in the resolution process directly with Fractal Audio, and therefore doesn't require additional forum based problem solving.

Sorry about your frustrations. I hope Fractal support helps you out.

I would assume those 10 cables still work fine with other devices after then fail on the AX8?

Possible power issue here? I would imagine that the power supply for the AX8 will hold off powering the device up until there is good enough power - so everything will either work or not work. But curious if you use your MAC book pro instead with AX8 on a different power outlet than the MAC 12 core - any difference? Does the MAC 12 core draw a lot of power?

Have you tried resetting the MAC SMC (System Management Controller)?
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