Selling Axe-FX Ultra Internationally Question

Ben Randolph

Power User
I recently upgraded to the AxeFX 2 and am looking to find my AxeFX Ultra a good home.

I've listed it locally on Craigslist for the last few weeks, but have mostly gotten nibbles for trades that I'm not interested in.

I'm thinking of listing the AxeFX Ultra online, so as to reach a broader pool of potential buyers. Obviously if I am open to ship internationally, I'll reach even more potential buyers. However, I've read about a lot of people not wanting to ship internationally for various reasons. I'm in Texas, and the only item I've ever sold online internationally was a set of surround speakers to someone in Toronto, which went smoothly.

So, for those of you who have sold and shipped items internationally, what are some potential pitfalls to avoid, pros and cons, etc?

pro's will sell usually instantly... cons, expensive, cover your butt on shipping. I had my ultra on ebay 3 times.. nothing, put international shipping and sold it within 20 minutes.
I hear ya they're not the easiest to sell these days. I recently upgraded too. Got a u.s. buyer from here actually. Do your research if you can. Also, check into shipping costs. Or just be patient with Craigslist. Lots of no shows and sketchy people usually though. I got stood up twice and that's when I decided to ship it here. Also try finding a local musicians group on Facebook. I had a couple of bites from a chicago group. Sadly the value has dipped with them. I let mine go for 1300 even (buyer paid shipping). Good luck! Digital resale tends to stink!
Thanks guys, I'm not in a huge rush to sell. I've never sold anything online quite this valuable, and I've read some horror stories specifically with Ebay/Paypal and shipping to foreign addresses. Mainly it seems to be when the shipping method provides no tracking number past customs. One of the guys in Mastodon had a guitar stolen that way. He shipped a guitar from the US to Germany, the German buyer then filed a frivolous "item not as described" complaint. Ebay/Paypal automatically took the buyer's side. The buyer shipped back an empty box and the seller had no recourse in getting his money back. Essentially, this guy stole the guy's guitar. Yikes!

Like I said, I'm in no's not like I need to sell this to make rent ;-)

Thanks for your input! I
If you sell through an audio or guitar forum (GS, etc) to a member with a decent track record, you'll do OK.

Usually there will be someone else who can vouch for them, and they won't be keen to mess up their own online reputation.

I've bought and sold some very expensive stuff (mics, rack gear) from all over the world through the various professional audio recording forums I belong to, and I've never had a problem.
I say be open to trades on Craigslist. You can usually grab some gear super cheap and end up getting more for the ultra in the long run. Especially if you're willing to take multiple trades.
I bought both my Ultra and Axe-FX II from guys in the US who were willing to ship to me here in Australia.

I've bought tons of other guitars, pedals etc. Never had an issue.

It's always a case of doing due dilligence. Sometimes the seller asks me for more info about myself. I never hesitate to give them my phone number or my eBay or Facebook profile so they can confirm I am a real person.

I think the biggest problems I have seen people describe on various forums is when the BUYER is not familiar with the import and taxation rules for their OWN country. You had better specify in your sales spiel that you are NOT responsible for any customs fees or other duties that may be applicable to the item when it lands on their shores. It's amazing how many people, when faced with these extra charges will balk at them and ask for the goods to be returned.

Just so you know - Here in Australia, if the value of the goods is less than AUD$1000, there are no taxes or duties applicable. Over that, and there is 10% Goods and Services tax payable, plus other filing fees of around $50. Guitars and Amps also carry a duty of 5% on top of that. The Axe-FX is not considered an 'amp' (Ha!) so there are no extra duties on it.

Now you see why SOME buyers may ask you to underwrite the value of the goods on the customs forms. I've never asked anyone to do that.

Customs is still a bit of a lottery. My Ultra got stopped by them and I got his with taxes & duties, but my II went through with no issues. I've only had one other guitar stopped by customs out of the 15 odd that I have bought from the US. I think some guys try and hedge their bets and hope it sneaks through, then when it gets stopped, they panic and send them back.

In a nutshell, ensure that they know what they MAY be up for in extra charges when the goods arrive. Send them pics of the packing and the condition of the item when you are packing it for shipping, so they can compare the condition when it arrives. Make sure you do enough background checks on them (eBay feedback etc.) to ensure that are not trouble to deal with. Essentially the same things you would do for a local sale.

Good luck with selling your Ultra!
Thanks for all your great feedback. The general vibe seems to be, "It's OK, just use common sense". I'll watch out for friendly Nigerian princes ;-)
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