Rick Savage Def Leppard what does he use?


So I know it is said that every member of Def Leppard now uses the axe fx. So what does Rick use? what model amp does he use etc etc?
Id assume all interactions with artists are private unless they authorize to share the info. Thats just basic decency to not talk out of school...
FWIW — it’s called an NDA: non-disclosure agreement. Basically means “I promise to keep my mouth shut”. Famous/wealthy/private people use them, often signed by people that work for them.
Obviously it’s totally at the artist discretion, but I can‘t see how knowing the amp used will have any negative impact on anyone’s lives. I don’t recall Angus Young placing black gaffa tape over the Marshall logo’s on stage.
over it bullshit GIF by CBC
robert downey jr bullshit GIF
Obviously it’s totally at the artist discretion, but I can‘t see how knowing the amp used will have any negative impact on anyone’s lives. I don’t recall Angus Young placing black gaffa tape over the Marshall logo’s on stage.
True — but you prolly don’t recall Mr. Young spreading the word about his Vega wireless rig’s compander circuits being used in the studio, either.

Matters not — it’s all in the fingers anyway, isn’t it?
FWIW — it’s called an NDA: non-disclosure agreement. Basically means “I promise to keep my mouth shut”. Famous/wealthy/private people use them, often signed by people that work for them.
The band don't have any NDA's regarding gear, they're really not that precious, they quite down to earth guys. Yes Rick is using the Axe fx III but I don't think anyone has specifically asked him, if they have, I missed it. Phil quite openly discusses his JMP-1 preset, obviously he shared the Photograph tone here, so I don't think there are any huge secrets.

Rick Allen doesn't want to share his drum sounds in a paid for pack though, so don't ask him!
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