recreating a blackface super reverb


i used to have an ab73 circuit fender super reverb which was just amazing

im surprised one hasnt been modelled yet as its such a seminal amp

in the meantime whats teh best best model and cab to use to recreate one?

the twin + 4 10 spkr cab?

4 12 cab

which model is the closest?

any help appreciated
If I can ever get time to do it, I have a 1964 Super Reverb with the AB763 circuit I am going to match. Based on sound, my gut feeling is that one of the Bassman amps will be the best tone match, probably the 65.
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Got a '66 BFSR myself and would love a tone on the Axe that does what it does. God I love that amp!
If I can ever get time to do it, I have a 1964 Super Reverb with the AB763 circuit I am going to match. Based on sound, my gut feeling is that one of the Bassman amps will be the best tone match, probably the 65.

Bassman's are too gainy IMO.

JTM45 has been the closest out of the gate for me.
I never thought of the JTM, but I guess it was actually built on the Bassman (early) circuit. I'll try that too. But I have to admit, at about 7 on volume, that thing has a thick tone that shakes the walls. I'd like to try some Kendrick speakers in it, because the speakers (early 70s models, based on the stamps) probably won't last long at that setting. All else (except caps and tubes) are original, so the sound is there.
I've been asking this for a long time. How a Carvin Legacy came first is a mystery to me.
It seems to have basically the same circuit as the deluxe reverb (w/ AB763)

Perhaps, but tonally I don't think they're close at all. I've only played a few deluxe's though, but they weren't remotely close to how my '66 Super sounds. I was hoping to get the same sound in a smaller package and was really disappointed. The JTM clean sound isn't close to a Super either. I'd say the '65 Bassman is probably closest, using a 4x10 cab IR.
Perhaps, but tonally I don't think they're close at all. I've only played a few deluxe's though, but they weren't remotely close to how my '66 Super sounds. I was hoping to get the same sound in a smaller package and was really disappointed. The JTM clean sound isn't close to a Super either. I'd say the '65 Bassman is probably closest, using a 4x10 cab IR.

Not with mine, JTM45 sounds closer here.

Cab is going to be one of the most important factors at any rate.
I also own a great '64 Super Reverb, and I would think you should start with a Fender Reverb amp model (the Reverb channel has an additional tube stage and presence cap (10pf across a 3.3M resistor) which is ideal for the classic/glassy Fender clean sound. (Bassman has no Reverb channel)
which IR to use out of the factory ones?

to my ear, the super reverb sounds like no other fender - it has a magic all of its own especially when cooking at 6 or above
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FWIW, this is my personal attempt at a good fender cranked up a bit with JBLs : Tyler's SRV/Fender Patch

To answer your original question, I'd say use the Vibrato Verb amp with a Double Verb tonestack.

Speakers are tough since there are no 4x10 speaker sims that are anything like a real super. You'd be looking for either a C10N Jensen or CTS loaded 4x10 cab.

Someone should make a good IR of a real Super's cab.
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Don't forget that although they are all AB763 based, the power stages of all three are quite different. That's where you need to start tweaking. Sag and Dynamics controls should be useful, probably making the twin spongy would be a good place to start.

IMHO a JTM45 or bassman power stage and more importantly power supply is pretty close if you want to get the feel right, that would require a bit of tweaking in the pre. I'd have thought you should be able to get close to the normal chan this way.

Personally I'd like a super reverb model. Shall we start a fund to buy one for Cliff? ;)
Don't forget that although they are all AB763 based, the power stages of all three are quite different. Personally I'd like a super reverb model. Shall we start a fund to buy one for Cliff? ;)

I did offer mine as a loner, but he hasn't taken me up on it yet! Might still come about.

Yes, as noted I believe all the AB763 designation indicated is that it was the second version (the first being AA) drawn in July of 1963 (763). There are several amps drawn at this time that are totally different, but it makes for an easy identification of a certain build of that particular amp. The 64 is a pre-CBS model, but I don't think it changed significantly in the next several years as I have heard 67s that sound just as good. Later versions changed to "Silverface" electronics with masters and such and sound a bit colder, in my opinion, but some love them.
All original '64 Super Reverb here.. I've had it over 20 years. I love it for what it does, although it's not my desert island amp by any means. I'll chip in on adding this one to the list for Cliff to model. I agree with whoever suggested the IR might be the critical item missing. I've used different speakers in my SR in the past (high headroom ceramic for volume and punch, alnico for the classic sound, EVs for the SRV thing, etc.). Prefer it with classic sounding alnico at this point..

Didn't think about it before now, but it is surprising that this amp is not in there by now... about as classic an amp for live use as it gets.
Can someone with a Fender Super Reverb,do a Amp match ?? seems like 2-3 guys have them..ha ha.
If there is no preamp out(send). Stick a desent mic in front of it. And Shoot it :)

A have a friend who`s got one.. but it`s not working at the moment.. I did call him,and he said he will send it too the doctor. But,his broke
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