R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman

Absolutely tragic.

I've been doing some reading on his case and it is truly rather bizarre. Necrotizing Fasciitis usually doesn't kill slowly like that. If you die from it, it usually happens very quickly. And usually if you do die a bit more slowly, it's from your kidneys shutting down because the proteins in your muscles being broken down by the infection clog up your kidneys, they get badly infected...etc.

Very, very sad, and not an easy way to go at all. Heartbreaking.
Slayer was a massive influence on me. I'll be pumping out 8 hours of of their discography tomorrow while at work in his honor.

I agree that if you're gonna go, liver failure due to years of alcohol abuse and necrotizing fasciitis from a spider bite is pretty damned metal.
What a shame...though I didn't really care for anything Slayer has put out since the 80s.

It's too bad. A lot of my early influences and metal heroes are gone...Dio, Hanneman, Peter Steele, Dimebag, Gar Samuelson, Chuck Schuldiner...
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