Problem with FCB1010

set theorist

I've had this thing working well for months. All of a sudden at last rehearsal, in the middle of a song, my midi mapping was lost and stepping on the switches of the 1010 yielded seemingly random program changes. I tried powering down, reinserting the midi cables at both ends and eliminated my midi interface from the equation, yet the issue persisted. Has anyone had this happen? I'm planning to restore everything by reprogramming with ripwerx; but I was wondering if this is a frequent occurrence. It kind of scares me that this could happen at a gig or whatever...

Might it have something to do with humidity? Our rehearsal space really isn't properly air conditioned.

Is there anything I can do to guard against this from happening in the future?

I don't think that there is a battery inside of the FCB1010.

When you say midi-mapping are you using the mapping function in Axe-FX? If so and it flaked out that isn't an FCB1010 issue.

I'd check to make sure that you didn't somehow change between direct select and bank select mode (or whatever it is called) by accident.
I don't recall seeing a battery when I switched out the e-prom.

I did not set up midi mapping. Basically, I am just using the FCB to recall presets in order (FCB switch 1 recalls Axe 00, FCB switch 2 recalls Axe 01, FCB switch 3 recalls Axe 02....)

Last night I also noticed that the switches didn't always change presets consistently. Sometimes when I stepped on switch 2, it recalled Axe 127, other times, it recalled Axe 01 (as it should.)

Last point, when I changed presets manually by turning the knob on the Axe, all of the switches assigned stomp box functions and my expression settings worked as assigned. I just can't switch the patches consistently.

I don't know anything about direct select and bank select mode. Might this be my problem? Can someone explain these modes?
Direct select is setup to where if you wanted to select patch 18 you would step on the 1 and then then 8 to select it. It disables a lot of the other stuff from what I understand. I've never seen anyone use it but it can screw you up. It's really easy to verify if you are in that mode though (which I don't think you are after your last post). There is an LED on the FCB1010 display that will light up if you are in that mode; it's labeled too. :mrgreen:

I think that you have a bank select issue with the Axe-FX. What happens is that whichever bank you are in you are selecting the preset within that bank and the Axe-FX isn't changing it to the correct bank. In MIDI preset 000 would be CC#00 00 (bank A) and PC 1 (program change 1). If you were selecting preset 128 that would be CC#00 01 (bank B) and PC 1 (program change 1). All of this means that you are selecting the first preset in different banks. Bank C would be CC#00 02. CC#00 is the control change for coarse bank select.

This is because you only have 128 presets (0-127) you can select with MIDI so they broke it up into banks and you can select 128 presets in each bank. The problem that you are having (I think) comes from the fact that the FCB1010 is setup to only spit out PC 1 so whichever bank you are in it stays in.

Try selecting several presets with your FCB1010 while in bank A. It should work fine. Then using the wheel on the Axe-FX go to a patch in bank B and select a preset on the FCB1010. It should be wrong. Do the same thing and go to bank C and press the same button and it should be a patch in bank C.

Thanks for your input. I actually just wound up dumping my sysx file back into the FCB with Ripwerx and it's fine again...just hope it doesn't happen again at a more inopportune time.

Having read you description, I'm really hoping it was something as simple as being in direct select mode. Plus, I think it's the only thing that makes sense given the fact that the pedal is essentially fine.
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