Plexi 1/Redwirez clip, and an odd observation


I did this quick clip for a thread at TGP looking for Slash type Marshall clips. It's Plexi 1, Redwirez G12M (Scott Peterson's mix) with a Strat w/Pearly Gates bridge pup.

When I played this on the Soundcloud page, I was disappointed with the sound. Definitely weak and muffled compared to the same file in iTunes. I am on a Mac, and was using Safari to listen to the clip. I decided to try Firefox, and the clip sounded just like in iTunes. Anyone else notice the same thing with Safari?
Just listened to the recording in iTunes and Soundcloud (Safari) on my iMac.
No difference here. Maybe you're using the equalizer in iTunes?
yek said:
Just listened to the recording in iTunes and Soundcloud (Safari) on my iMac.
No difference here. Maybe you're using the equalizer in iTunes?

Thanks relic245. :cool:

@ yek: iTunes eq is off. Thanks for checking.
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