Please Help Newbie


I,m trying to tap audio out of output 2 and I cant get any sound out of it. I tried adding an fx loop in the grid but its not working. What am I doing wrong?

Echo output 1 to 2, remove FX loop block

You'll get the same signal out of 2 as you do 1, with dedicated volume control knobs for both outs
I,m trying to tap audio out of output 2 and I cant get any sound out of it. I tried adding an fx loop in the grid but its not working. What am I doing wrong?

Hey Hank. Did you verify your FX Loop block was set for Output 2 and where in the signal chain is it located? I'm not in front of the AFX right now but if you post the preset on here (SYSX file), some other tenacious weekend warriors could probably load it to see what's up. Also what model AFX? II Original | II Mark II | XL | XL+ <- makes a difference when exporting/importing presets. Hope that helps!
As was mentioned, if you still get nothing out of output 2, make sure you adjust the (dedicated) output 2 volume knob.

Hey Hank. Did you verify your FX Loop block was set for Output 2 and where in the signal chain is it located? I'm not in front of the AFX right now but if you post the preset on here (SYSX file), some other tenacious weekend warriors could probably load it to see what's up. Also what model AFX? II Original | II Mark II | XL | XL+ <- makes a difference when exporting/importing presets. Hope that helps!

It won't even load a preset made on a different model, so its not an issue of an XL patch not routing correctly on the II but still being loaded, it just plain won't work
Don't worry about it. Most of us have done everything wrong at one point in time. Move forward and enjoy it.


LOL, some of us were just talking the other day about how stumped we were with not getting sound out of out2... and all of us had the pot turned all the way down. I think you've just crossed a rite of passage or something.
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