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Pink Floyed Us and Them saxophone challenge


Power User
We are playing us and them in our cover band and I'm "supposed" to play the saxophone solos….
I remember once a thread about a preset regarding a violin sound and if I'm not wrong, I think there was also something about a saxophone preset or….maybe I'm wrong…?
Anyway, anyone ever had a preset similar or close to a saxophone sound?
I had seen someone else mention this some time ago.. If I remember correctly it is not much of a possibility
since there are issues with getting the breathiness and that airy type honk that is needed for a convincing tone. U can do a search in the FAQ maybe u can find out more info. Simeon and Chef are ones u can ask who could tell u if its worth pursuing.
If you're talking about the razzy stuff, ya, that would be cool. Some kind of modulation effect on exp pedal might do the trick... or wammy variant.
I had seen someone else mention this some time ago.. If I remember correctly it is not much of a possibility
since there are issues with getting the breathiness and that airy type honk that is needed for a convincing tone. U can do a search in the FAQ maybe u can find out more info. Simeon and Chef are ones u can ask who could tell u if its worth pursuing.

Yes, I'm aware of the air issue but more focused on trying to get the overall basic sound character (as much a possible).
I tried it with many types of drive but it's not even starting to sound close.
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