Pickup Advice for Ibanez RG-7621


Power User
Hi people out there,

I want to replace the original bridge-pickup of my Ibanez RG-7621 (Fixed Bridge Japan Model 1999) which is originally equipped with a "special" Blaze DiMarzio built on custom order from ibanez.
As a tech from DiMarzio told me, it is NOT the Blaze-Pickup that is available nowadays. After 13 years, the pickup starts to get "microphonic" and, by the way, IMO it has too much mids and I want to try something new.

Cause I'm a DiMarzio Fan I want to choose between the D-Activator 7-String or the X2N 7. Those are the pickups with the most output, allthough they are equipped with less mids (specs), cause the DiMarzio-Tech told me, that the RG-7621
Blaze Pickup is a "Super Distortion in 7-String-Version" and maybe the other pickups sound more "open"????

Any advices and experiences with one of these Hellbeasts are welcome! By the way - play a mixture of Funk, Rock and Metal, so I'm interested in how the X2N-7 or the D-Activator 7 sounds clean.....


Andy from Red Bull Country
Could be that you have the Blaze Custom as that is a little more middy than the regular Blaze7.

Between the two you listed I would go D-Activator if you like the EMGish vibe. The X2N was WAY too sterile and shrill. Tried it in a 7321(so lower qual body wood than your guitar) and was really put off by it. I've since replaced it with a CL/LF set. Of course if you want to shy away from mids I would not suggest the CrunchLab.

Honestly if you want some cleans for funk and rock, I would say the PAF7 might be what you want. It's a little lower output but is very balanced. The Evo7 slays too but might be a bit too up front for cleans unless you bring the guitar vol WAY down.

Good luck.
I used to have an Evo7.. but I found it to be a bit to hot and too bright...
personally I thought it was great for riffing, but a bit shrill for soloing

I now have a PAF7 bridge and neck.. sounds great...
Thanx for your suggestions,

I ordered the D-Activator 7, cause it seems to be a good compromise between power and balance. I also was thinking about the PAF7, but when I played them years ago on a Les Paul, it really didn't make it for me (maybe cause I'm not a typical "vintage" sound guy)
The original pickup on my RG7-621 is a 7 Special, that Dimarzio built for Ibanez, as a 7string-version of a Superdistortion, which has 7.5 Mids on the 1 - 10 scale of DiMarzio. So more High, less bass and mids. I'll check it out and tell you about my experience.

Happy shredding,

Andy from Red Bull Country
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