"Permanent" Installation Axe FX in Media Room


I would love to have some tips and pearls for a project I am beginning. By way of background I acquired a new Axe Fx II only 2 months ago. It has exceeded my wildest snobby expectations. I haven't touched any of my boutique amps since.

Here's my project.
We are building a rather substantial media room/home theatre which will be sound very proofed and be acoustically perfect for its primary purpose which is "home theatre and audio listening". It will also be laid out architecturally with your typical plush and pristine (and spouse pleasing) furnishings and finishings to maximize the home theater experience. But I am a fanatic player/practicer/noodler and would love to do so in that room while not irritating my spouse with that familar guitar room/studio room look that she has learned to hate in our other home (cables, cabinets, pedals, amp heads, and even drums)

So my dream would be to have the room remain pristine in nature with virtually no cables (except when I hook up), and all components hidden in "remote" racks. I even invision multiple locations for floor/or wall connections/jacks so I could place my MFC/pedalboard (the only obviously visible/yet portable component by necessity other than the guitar(s) which have to be accessible. These ideas include usb connections for my Macs, and, of course, inputs jacks for guitar(s). So, plug in the MFC/pedal board, plug in a guitar and let it rip. When my wife shows up, or we need to show off the room to her guests, rack the guitars in the guitar cabinet, disconnect the ethercon and hide the pedalboard.

Other than that (and planning to use FRFR only, no cabinets) I would love the Axe FX, speakers, amps (I have a matrix 1000 now) racked and hidden as is typical in home theaters/media rooms, with acoustic surfaces and great ass kicking sound mysteriously coming from invisible/hidden speakers.

Any thoughts or ideas? Obviously planning before construction is so much better than retrofitting. Is the idea of having the Axe Fx "remotely" racked with the need to physically access only rarely for specific times..... is that actually practical/doable?

I am sure others have done something like that in studio situations.

I am even receptive to the idea of more than one Axe Fx for another guitarist. Whatever works. It is all about planning for anticipated realities that I come to you for answers/ideas.

I appreciate any brainstorming from those that have been using their systems at home or studio for a long time and from those more clever than I (most of you!!!)

Lucky you.

If you had a Mac mini hooked up to your system and Axe, you wouldn't really need your MFC. You could use an Ipad and Scrutinizers Lemur template (search lemur here if you're not familiar). Between the ability to run Axe Edit on your Mac with wireless keyboard and mouse, wirelessly do pedalboard duties with IPad/lemur and run guitar with a wireless rig, you would really need to have anything around that wouldn't already make sense in that kind of room other than wireless transmitter for guitar.
I think it would help if you made a rough sketch of the layout of the room / studio and which spaces are occupied or for any other reason unavailable that would make it easier for anyone that haven't seen the room to start to brainstorm


welcome to the forum

I am not sure how the design helps. I am more interested in the "technology" and function. But what the design shows is steps going to the upper deck with rear wall full couch and coffee table. There are 2 chairs lower area. While the screen will be large (larger than shown) that entire wall (lower area in particular is deep for cabinets and rack etc. The room will be wired while studded in. The dimensions are large enough for any thickness to wall, floors, ceiling etc.

I like the idea of computer control in lieu of MFC but the MFC is just so quick and easy. But I too was wondering.
Great idea. I need to play with Lemur. I have heard mention of it, but I should give it a try.
In my home theater, I have two oversize chairs in front with a sofa on a riser behind that.

What I did was put power and all my interfaces on the face of a riser. The wiring runs to the back, inside the back wall, inside the ceiling and then down behind a false rear wall in my equipment bay.

So I can do all my hookups into the face of the riser and neatly cable behind me.

I don't have the AxeFx hooked up this way. My interfaces are A/V only for computers and gaming systems.

I'm very happy with the interfaces and power in the riser though. Never any cables to walk over.

I can incorporate something like that. Sounds very "clean" to me.

Certainly you have flirted with the idea of using your axe fx in that room. Or are you also blessed with a guitar/studio room? It is interesting, but I would think an Axe FX running FRFR in an acoustically controlled room that is also very comfortable and loungy could be a wonderful experience for passing the hours by.
I can incorporate something like that. Sounds very "clean" to me.

Certainly you have flirted with the idea of using your axe fx in that room. Or are you also blessed with a guitar/studio room? It is interesting, but I would think an Axe FX running FRFR in an acoustically controlled room that is also very comfortable and loungy could be a wonderful experience for passing the hours by.

I have a treated mixing room and another live room that is a large converted garage and also treated.
Great idea. I need to play with Lemur. I have heard mention of it, but I should give it a try.

For your application it would be awesome and its as easy as MFC and way more flexible. Combination of pedalboard and editor. It'll blow your mind.
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