Paint Audio midi controller


Hi everyone
Paint audio have just expanded their range of midi controllers and now have 2,4,6, and 10 footswitch versions.
They have a new firmware update introducing super mode which adds long press and multi press functionality. They also allow flexibility to change the colour of the segmented LED rings.
I’ve tried it in my FM3 and it works well. The main drawback is the manual is crap as are the YouTube videos so you need to work out yourself how to program it.
I also use MidiCaptain, I do everything I need, change scenes, tuner, tap, tempo, control effects
but I still haven't understood the 'Supermode' with the switches that have to be pressed in various ways and you're right there isn't a user manual that explains things then we would need a PC editor
If normal “Geek” mode does everything you need just stick with that. I had to use USB mode and edit the txt file to make it do what I wanted in Super mode
I also changed some things in the txt file, I'm currently using 'Geek' mod, and I'm happy with it then for any final changes I'm waiting for the new FM3 firmware thanks
Not sure does Fractal support a midi tuner function?
Yes it can
Sorry but by tuner do you mean guitar tuner?
The manual is very poor on this detail I assume there’s a midi cc number dedicated to this and a value of 0 turns it off and 127 turns it on?
The Fractal supports sending tuner data over midi. This is documented in Fractal's Third Party Midi Specification.

However, this requires the midi controller to be coded to send, receive and process the sysex for this.

Unless you are talking about just turning the Tuner on the unit on and off, in which case the setting for that is on the Midi/Remote/Other page of the global settings.
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