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OwnHammer Studio Mix Libraries WAV Files Update

Thank you so much Kevin. I just downloaded all the new wave files from my Ownhammer account. Hopefully the new CabLab won't be far behind.

I noticed there are nine different kinds of wave files included:
44100-Hz Mono
44100-Hz Stereo
48000-Hz Mono
48000-Hz Stereo
88200-HZ Mono
88200-Hz Stereo
96000-Hz Mono
96000-Hz Stereo

Which ones are we supposed to use to convert to UltraRes IRs when the new CabLab comes out?
Thank you so much Kevin. I just downloaded all the new wave files from my Ownhammer account. Hopefully the new CabLab won't be far behind.

I noticed there are nine different kinds of wave files included:
44100-Hz Mono
44100-Hz Stereo
48000-Hz Mono
48000-Hz Stereo
88200-HZ Mono
88200-Hz Stereo
96000-Hz Mono
96000-Hz Stereo

Which ones are we supposed to use to convert to UltraRes IRs when the new CabLab comes out?

48000-Hz Mono
Just looked at the OH website, can't see any news update to give any concrete infor but I did know that the size of the 112 & 212 wav zip files has changed I can only assume there has been a change to the content of the files.

It may be that all wav file have been standardised to longer times ?

don't know dont have the software to check,

anybody have any further info ?
it may be just the extra variant of the stereo and mono and sample rates as identified by "trancegodz"

G \../
Waiting for the new CabLab.
Actually a P.Pack 3 Update for 4x12's would be better
(written by a lazy ass again) :)
Just looked at the OH website, can't see any news update to give any concrete infor but I did know that the size of the 112 & 212 wav zip files has changed I can only assume there has been a change to the content of the files.

It may be that all wav file have been standardised to longer times ?

don't know dont have the software to check,

anybody have any further info ?
it may be just the extra variant of the stereo and mono and sample rates as identified by "trancegodz"

G \../

On the OH website in the File Formats section for each library it says, "Ultra-Res files can also be converted manually using the .wav files in this collection via the FAS Cab Lab Utility." I verified in Sound Forge Pro that the WAV files are now longer (500ms.)
Man, you guys are on the ball...

I was up til 3 a.m. last night working on this and just needed to call it a night. I moved all of the updated files over to the proper locations and this morning was going to finish up some small things here and there then was going to push out an email blast, Facebook post, and News page update, which will happen at some point today.

Yes, the Marshall cab now has the longer IR's for both Wave Audio and Nebula formats. I also added the SP mix to all platforms, not just the Axe-Fx-II sub-directory.
Ok so for probably the hundredth time, but Im getting lost, we can download but not DO anything with these until CAB LAB is updated? sorry, thanks.
yes !
this what I have understood: need for new Cablab release to translate long .wav to URes .sys
and of course thanks Kevin for your hard work to deliver all these Hi Quality IRs (have the 4*12 march and 2*12 Bog...: so great !)
Kevin, you're the best! Many many thanks! Now I really can't wait for the new Cab Lab!
Yes, the Marshall cab now has the longer IR's for both Wave Audio and Nebula formats. I also added the SP mix to all platforms, not just the Axe-Fx-II sub-directory.

A lot of people around here were worried. Obviously we had no reason whatsoever for any concern. Thanks for the hard work!

We want cab lab! We want cab lab! :D
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