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Out Drink The Robot - aka the "hammer on with Vh4 sim" tune


Power User

I think I got this hammer on technique in the intro from Nuno Bettencourt. Pluck open string, hammer on string, then also hammer on string right below (while palm muting for a percussive attack).

The ending is my attempt to blend a hoe-down with modern prog metal poly rhythms.

Mostly Diezel VH4...some JCM 800....some acoustic guitar....goofy synth sounds courtesy of Reason...all kinds of wacky fun.
Killer! It runs the gamut from modern rock back to almost classic(al).
Scheduled Delivery:
Friday, 31.08.2012, By End of Day

Meaning you have two days to share that patch...just kidding (partially).

Awesome tone!
I will get the main heavy rhythm patch and the lead patch up on Axe-Change tonight.

I should also mention that there was a Line 6 plugin used in the production of this track! But don't worry...it's only used on the synth.
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