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OS X Driver Issue

I have been looking around this afternoon and it seems you can't download Lion anymore and must go to Mountain Lion

Call the Apple Store. You can still order and download Lion. They will e-mail you the download information once you've arranged payment. It's simply no longer an option on the website.

I know this is all part of the software lifecycle and maybe I could reconsider using something other than Pro Tools - but it's the DAW I've been using for years (although up until recently on the Windows side!! d'oh!!!)

I stopped using ProTools and went to Reaper when Avid changed their upgrade model. I can't justify the yearly costs for my casual home studio use. I'm still at version 8 IIRC. Reaper does everything I need and it's inexpensive. My only regret is no longer being able to use the Avid suite of instruments I had picked up at a good price.

good news Cliff!
I'm happy hearing that the new driver is not far away anymore
(but watching Predator 2 and reconnecting the axe 19 times was nearly freaking me out...)
We're just packaging up the installers. Having some issues with Windows 8 (POS). Also requires new firmware and I have a couple amps to model so I want to get those in there while I'm at it.

I hate to be an asshole, but is there perhaps a limit to how many guitar amps that you'll model before concentrating on other things? Such as effects blocks and even bass amps?
Oh boy, can't wait!

Ironic but I'll point it out anyway. Most of us use Mac and/or hate Windows but those on Windows machines have drivers that work already.

+1 on the request for more bass models.
I know that whatever you are working on Cliff, you will always be developing the Axe and it's functionality. Having said that, I would kill to have some bass amps and a Darkglass B7K drive pedal in the Axe.
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