Noise when turning volume up and down


I get a weird noise when raising or lowering the volume knob on my AxeFXII thru my speakers. It's like a clicking, pulsing noise that's quite ugly but it doesn't really affect me all that much so I never brought it up. It's been like this since the day I got it. Is this normal? Does anyone else experience this noise? Still sounds killer but I always though it was a bit strange. Not sure is something that needs to be taken care of.
From the highlighted section in the axe manual:

"NOTE: The Axe-Fx II uses digital potentiometers to adjust the output levels. These actually contain hundreds of tiny resistors and switches. As such, some noise may be generated while adjusting the knobs."
Oh thanks. I didn't see that in the manual. Who would have think it? That's for the quick response Chris. Now I could rest easy.:)
Perfectly normal! I actually started a thread when I first got my Axe as well. I was freaked out, but if I remember, someone called it a Pur haha.
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