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I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. It was advertised that way with the PLEK, not a deal we worked out on the side. Maybe they’ll do it again.



I have to say I got a good one, and for the price it’s very good. Some tuning issues to be fixed but perfect otherwise. My big surprise is the split bridge. Never thought I’d be a fan but I’m loving the twang and bark of it.
I have to say I got a good one, and for the price it’s very good. Some tuning issues to be fixed but perfect otherwise. My big surprise is the split bridge. Never thought I’d be a fan but I’m loving the twang and bark of it.
Thanks for the update. I'm very interested in the C&M offers you found but would like to hear more about the tuning issues you were experiencing. Care to elaborate?
It's been a very long while since I was tempted by something I saw in person at a store. I like my current axes quite a bit more. Every so often I get to thinking that I could use a 12 string Ric, or one of those purpleish grey Billy Bos, but I don't really have room, and I'd probably want to offload some stuff to pick it up first... and so I just let it go, and that's fine. It's honestly a pretty nice place to be when you're satisfied with what you have. I still peruse the for sale sections of the forums, but I rarely find anything I'm actually interested in.
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Thanks for the update. I'm very interested in the C&M offers you found but would like to hear more about the tuning issues you were experiencing. Care to elaborate?

I feel like I’m hijacking Dave’s thread here. But he’s looking at these guitars I believe. The guitar came with 10’s. I put locking tuners on it and set it up with 9’s. I really don’t know what was going on but the tuning just kept moving. Nut was lubed, strings stretched. There’s slop in the tuner screw holes but I rotated against the screws before locking them down. Didn’t seem like it was binding in the nut but maybe it was. The strings were difficult to pop loose from the trem block. Maybe the balls were settling into the holes. After a couple hours it was all good. Hope it was a one time thing.
Yeah, that's happened to me, too. Most times, for me and for whatever was causing it, it worked itself out. I've had to go hunting for a burr in the bridge a few times, but no matter what was the cause, IME, was an easy fix or just resolved itself. Hope that holds for you, as well!
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