New Axe-Fx II Firmware 5.04b released

I've not really watched TV or even movies since the 90's. I'm a book kinda guy, and if I am going to watch a movie (definitely never TV, never!) it's gotta be good, you know, Revolver, Fight Club, Pan's Labyrinth, The Fountain, etc. It's gotta have meaning and substance.

Haven't owned a TV since '79. Go to the pub to watch hockey with my mates, but that is about all the TV I get except hotel TV when on travel dates and feeling lonely. Then it is the Daily Show, the Colbert Show, and then off to bed.

Need a couple more nickels to send in the $$$ for Axe2, but looking forehead to the updates. Tomorrow will be another Ultra day with my guys...
I'm looking forward to not hearing that 'digital clipping' type sound anymore. I spent hours going through the chain starting from I/O onwards and couldn't find the problem...I hope that this is all it is. Still LOVING the clean and dirty sounds...just can't enjoy that slightly driven VOX sound without crackling.
I just received an AxeFX II and it came preloaded with FW 5.05. Is that a typo or does 5.04b show up as 5.05?
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