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FM9 Need advise on new song.


Working on a new idea...been awhile.

Please let me know

* any timing issues or anything that sounds off

* if anything is too loud or soft

* any advise on improving drum/guitar/bass sound.. especially the bass and drum.. the snare doesn't have enough crack at all.

Thanks for all the helpful advise.
If about issues, i see no. Needs to be more clarity on guitar but it is not possible to correct it in a moment
Cant open it. Can you share it as in 1st post?
Please let me know

* any timing issues or anything that sounds off

* if anything is too loud or soft

* any advise on improving drum/guitar/bass sound.. especially the bass and drum.. the snare doesn't have enough crack at all.

Thanks for all the helpful advise. Here it is.
Brother, at some point you need to decide when your stuff is good enough for YOU.

Watch this Devin Townsend vid and REALLY listen to what he says, especially in regards to the gap that exists between good and great. Start it at 4:45 and keep watching-

He gets into some REALLY great insight on perfection and the futile efforts of trying to achieve it. You can nail a mix 100% to the point every single instrument sounds EXACTLY how YOU want it to sound, then play it for 20 people and hear “There’s not enough crack in the snare”, “The kick needs more low end” and it can go on and on forever because everyone has their own idea of what perfect is, but only Vejichan knows what’s prefect for songs Vejichan writes.

I’m not completely satisfied with the song I released yesterday, but if I listen to it one more time I’m going to be so sick of it that I’ll never want to play it live. I learned a few things I know I’ll do differently in the future, which is what I do with every single song I record, because ultimately they’re all abandoned, they’re never finished. I just try to get what I missed on the next recording.
Please let me know
This in average is ok. The only thing is a volume levels on intro. I think the guitars must be increased on 3-4 db, possible reduce the keyboard on1-3 db and then turn master volume level to 80-90% of main part. Otherwise i find no critical, your sound is good enough
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! need an ear on this. .please advise on the mix, also on the drum grooves/patterns and let me know if anything sounds off/weird to you. thank you.
Happy holidays too. Simple toughts about what i would change: Turn the voice and drums even4-5 db off. The guitars should be double tracked and must have more hard panned. It is hard to hear what it is, the sonic mess is present. Do you put some dynamic correction on master bus? The ragged sound between song parts is present
Hows it now

Happy holidays too. Simple toughts about what i would change: Turn the voice and drums even4-5 db off. The guitars should be double tracked and must have more hard panned. It is hard to hear what it is, the sonic mess is present. Do you put some dynamic correction on master bus? The ragged sound between song parts is present

Fixed the issue i think
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