NAMM 2024

They just kinda do their own thing. They never go to NAMM. IIRC the Axe-FX III was announced on the Monday after NAMM in 2018 which was a pretty hilarious way to take the wind out of everyone else's sails.
I wish I were at NAMM for the sole purpose of asking Yamaha if/when they're gonna release a new sample pad. Their DTX Multi 12 is ancient but I know they'd knock it out of the park with a newer model.

If anyone happens to get anywhere near Yamaha, I'll mail you flowers if you could ask that for me :innocent:

So I will be in audience at this both Friday and Saturday at 1:00 to 2:00. Marco Fanton and Larry Mitchell will also be playing. So anyone who wants to chat can find me here. Or we can leave as a group after maybe to the outside area between halls as noted above we did back in 2020 (or was it 2019?). Cheers!
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