My main live preset - Super Verb


Power User
Hey y'all,

A few folks have asked me to post this preset and it's taken me WAY too long before I was able to hook the AX8 up to a computer due to moving, touring, getting married, etc. - sorry for the delay! in any case, here's my main preset - below are a couple videos of it in use too.
Not sure if Cab IRs transfer with this too? If not, Cab L is Tyler Grund's "JBL E130 SM57 C" and Cab R is a Factory Ownhammer.
EDIT: found the "export preset cab bundle" option in AX8 Edit so hopefully that file does the trick!



  • GC Super.syx
    12.6 KB · Views: 283
  • GC Super w cab bundle.syx
    23.3 KB · Views: 321
I’m really looking forward to trying this preset. I wonder if it will make my playing any faster...
Congrats on the wedding!
Hey Gary

Sounding killer as always man. Congrats on the matrimony and thanks for sharing your wonderful music and even "sharing" your main preset..........................Al the best Gary
What kind of strat/pickups do you use just out of curiosity?

I am sure Gary will reply when he sees your post but I am pretty sure they are Lollars, either blonde or blackface. I asked the same question a while back.
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What kind of strat/pickups do you use just out of curiosity?

I am sure Gary will reply when he sees your post but I am pretty sure they are Lollars, either blonde or blackface. I asked the same question a while back.

Actually they'er Rocketfires - I think they call them Vintages or something? I swapped out the Lollars - didn't mind them but they still seemed a little dull, and not much of an improvement over the Van Zandts they replaced. The Rocketfires are my fave set I've had so far (and I've had far more than I care to admit lol). They seem to be able to get a greater variety of tones, and just sound more 'authentic' to me.

The bridge can get a little thin, and I've got a treble bleed circuit in it right now that I might either remove, or lessen the amount of bleed as it's a little ice-picky when I roll the volume down. I generally run the bridge pickup with the tone about 5-8, but I'd love to find a way to beef it up just a bit.

If I were to try a different set, I might try Onamac - have heard some killer strat tones out of those.
Great playing, Gary. Your tone there is killing it. Thank for sharing, and best wishes on the family expansion!
Just watched that second video...

thanks man! Not sure what part of Wisconsin you're in, but we're playing there a couple times in August as part of a tour.
- Mamie's in Milwaukee Aug 2
- Blues on the Chippewa Festival (Durand, WI) Aug 3
- Frigaard's (Willernie MN, so close to the WI border) Aug 5
The bridge can get a little thin
This is my eternal struggle with single coil pickups in Strats. Even the mini JB I have in a Strat now sounds thin in comparison to the middle and neck pickups. Some day I'll figure it out, I suppose.
That was beyond-words good.

Any California dates on the tour?

Not this time around - we're sticking to the midwest for US tour #1, and might be hitting the Northeast and making our way southwest from there towards Austin for tour #2. Depends on which festivals end up booking us. Would LOVE to hit the West Coast sometime though!

This is my eternal struggle with single coil pickups in Strats. Even the mini JB I have in a Strat now sounds thin in comparison to the middle and neck pickups. Some day I'll figure it out, I suppose.
lol - yeah that is the thing with bridge single-coils. I used to have a Rio Grande humbucker in my strat that was pretty kick-ass, but even though it was splittable, it didn't really do the single-coil thing convincingly enough. So you pick your poison I guess. I'd be up for swapping out the bridge pup on this guitar if I could find one that roughly matched the set output-wise and had some more beef. I might just get my tone knobs re-wired so the bridge is on its own though, and leave it down about half as default. Lemme know if you solve that riddle ;)
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