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FM3 My cover of "Love Removal Machine" by The Cult.

Great job, little too much gain IMHO, but nailed it otherwise. I was surprised to find the tones on that album are not the falcon, but a les paul and rented marshall.
Edit: I've removed a little post-EQ gain.

Thank you!
You're right but I'm so tired of messing with it I decided to release it anyway. ;)
Yes, I added a little bit of post-gain because my original tone was a little too clean and I wanted to add a little bit of grit.
Overdid it some. I just wasn't going to record it again. This was to be a project between my and my high school drummer eight months ago when I sent him the raw tracks but he never followed through with contribution and probably never will. You know how those drummers are.
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*Edited to remove a little post-EQ gain.

Original vocals and drums borrowed from their original song found on their 1987 release, "Electric."
Rhythm guitars: Tom Anderson Droptop.
Lead guitars: PRS McCarty.

One of my favourite Cult songs, great work Jeff.
Sounds fantastic - been too long since I've listened to this album (I need to put it back in the rotation), so I don't remember the original tone exactly, but you definitely nailed a tone that fits right in!
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