My Biggest Concern With the FM3 II Turbo.

What's the down-under dude sporting?

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Friends, colleagues, gentlefolk, fellow Fractoids. It's very late where I live and I need some help sorting out a nagging question I have concerning the new FM3 MKII Turbeast:

What is @2112 wearing in his sponsored demo?

It's sort of a shirt, but also sort of a jacket, and after a good hard think I've kinda settled on a novel class of modern torso coverage: the shacket. A bold and fantastic synthesis of garment to be completely honest. Why is this keeping me awake. Plase halp.

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zazie beetz slice GIF by A24
Dresscode aura inspired from Yngwies stagelook - XS open top lets the belly shine and
paired with leather pants sized XL butt and XS front you own the stage.

At least if the stage is placed in your own barn.


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