Mini-Display Always Shows Press (Not Hold) Name (BUG???)


Is this expected behavior, or a bug? Running Firmware v4. I have a footswitch configured to select Scene 1 on PRESS and Scene 5 on HOLD. The mini-display for both functions is configured to display the NAME. When I hold the switch I see the name of Scene 5 (as expected), however when I release the switch even though Scene 5 is selected (can confirm via main screen) the mini-display always goes back to the name of Scene 1 (not Scene 5). Since Scene 5 is selected, I expect to see that name displayed.
It's correct. The display is showing you what will happen if you tap the foot switch and not what the currently active scene is.

If you switch your tap to a Toggle or Inc/Dec, you'll have more options on how you want the mini-label to display.

Screenshot 2022-12-14 at 7.56.41 PM.png
it always shows the Tap function. most controllers with the tap/hold feature always show tap.

in general, footswitches will show where you will go, while the main screens show where you are.
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