MFC-Edit with OS High Sierra Version10.13.3


Power User
Will MFC-Edit currently work with OS High Sierra Version10.13.3?

Will MFC-Edit work with the MFC-101 and the Axe FXIII, or will it need to be updated?

Are you planning any updates for the MFC-Edit in the near future?
I can vouch that MFC Edit does indeed work with OSX High Sierra. I have had zero issues. I had understood that the MFC-101 would not be compatible with Axe III outside of potentially just being just a generic on/off MIDI footswitch via 5 pin DIN connectors. Could be wrong.
I can vouch that MFC Edit does indeed work with OSX High Sierra. I have had zero issues. I had understood that the MFC-101 would not be compatible with Axe III outside of potentially just being just a generic on/off MIDI footswitch via 5 pin DIN connectors. Could be wrong.

Thanks, that's what I needed to know before purchasing it. With the Axe FXIII coming out any day now and the new FC controllers not coming out for another couple of months, I'll need something to control the Axe FXIII. A generic midi controller with the Axe FXIII is better than nothing for two months.

Another member suggested that MFC-Edit makes it way easier to program the MFC-101. I'm hoping it makes it easier to program as a general midi controller.
I can't get the MFC-101 to do anything at all when not in Axe FX mode.
MFC Edit does make it easier but you gotta' wrap your head around it's concept... which I did, not 100%, but right up to the point of doing what I needed to do. I pretty much use it in Axe Fx Mode but I have one button that controls a Voice Live and one button that shoots me to a Home Bank so to speak.
Will MFC-Edit currently work with OS High Sierra Version10.13.3?

Will MFC-Edit work with the MFC-101 and the Axe FXIII, or will it need to be updated?

Are you planning any updates for the MFC-Edit in the near future?

I am making enhancements to MFC-Edit to specifically make Axe-Fx III support easier. Version 8 of MFC-Edit should be available mid March 2018.
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I am making enhancements to MFC-Edit to specifically make Axe-Fx III support easier. Version 8 of MFC-Edit should be available mid March 2018.

Great! Let us know when it's available.

Rex said about the Axe FXIII CCs: "You assign those yourself, as you see fit. Between scenes, channels, and all the effects, the MIDI CC spec isn't big enough to hold them all. This way, you don't waste CCs on stuff you don't use."

I hope someone posts videos on how to do this to help everyone out.
I believe that Rex is correct - that's what Matt also said. I don't have an Axe-Fx III (yet) but I've already made the changes to MFC-Edit. I'm not releasing the updated version yet until:
  1. I've created the Axe-Fx III addendum, specifically addressing using the MFC-101 with the Axe-Fx III
  2. How to set the CCs for the desired effects on the Axe-Fx III
  3. ... and possibly a default CC configuration of CC's for the Axe-FX III
I'm awaiting some feedback from FAS and a bit more testing before releasing MFC-Edit version 8.0. It won't be long though. MFC-Edit now has built-in defaults that support the Axe-Fx III as long as you assign the same CCs as the Axe-Fx II to the same effects in the III.
Stay tuned for news at 11 ...
Great to hear this is in the works. I been looking at optional midi controllers (other brands) but just the thought of push this button four times then push this button then that button blaaaaaaah. Already own an MFC-101 v3 sure would be nice to put it to work with the AXE FX III. All I really need is five scenes and 3 expression pedals and I can make due till the FC12's ship. Far as changing presets I use Bandhelper for one band and SetlistMaker for another. Wondering if the hex code for scenes will differ on the III? (B0 22 00) for scene one and so on.
Just trying to get my ducks in a row. One how to control the AXE FX III once it arrives this week. Any update on progress and availability of MFC EDIT bwanagary?
You can actually do it with the existing version of MFC-Edit, 7.3 and the MFC-101. The important thing to do with the Axe-Fx III is to set the MFC-101 and MFC-Edit in "None" for Axe-Fx Mode and to use only the MIDI cables.

I need to do a write-up for you and the other users because there are some extra Axe-Fx III steps that need to be taken. I'll do that as soon as I can - next weekend at the latest. If you have a PDF version of the Axe-Fx III manual and could send that to me it would speed things up a bit.
You can actually do it with the existing version of MFC-Edit, 7.3 and the MFC-101. The important thing to do with the Axe-Fx III is to set the MFC-101 and MFC-Edit in "None" for Axe-Fx Mode and to use only the MIDI cables.

I need to do a write-up for you and the other users because there are some extra Axe-Fx III steps that need to be taken. I'll do that as soon as I can - next weekend at the latest. If you have a PDF version of the Axe-Fx III manual and could send that to me it would speed things up a bit.
Thank you Sir. I don't own MFC EDIT yet is it safe to purchase now and update when available?
You can actually do it with the existing version of MFC-Edit, 7.3 and the MFC-101. The important thing to do with the Axe-Fx III is to set the MFC-101 and MFC-Edit in "None" for Axe-Fx Mode and to use only the MIDI cables.

I need to do a write-up for you and the other users because there are some extra Axe-Fx III steps that need to be taken. I'll do that as soon as I can - next weekend at the latest. If you have a PDF version of the Axe-Fx III manual and could send that to me it would speed things up a bit.
The PDF manual is online...
Thank you Sir. I don't own MFC EDIT yet is it safe to purchase now and update when available?
Yes, that's fine. Updates for MFC-Edit are automatic and they are free. Though bear in mind that FAS is coming out with a new controller specifically for the Axe-Fx III. I don't know when that will be available but I believe it will be some number of months.
... just updating you that progress is being made. I should have v8.0 out by this weekend. There are more settings to make for your MFC-101 config than you would have to make for the II/XL/+ in order to operate with the III so I'm just trying to ease that pain a bit. I'm mulling over some additional options before I make any more changes.
Fantastic news being as I will have my III this weekend as well. Cant wait to scratch a hole in the side of my head trying to figure this all out Lol. Naaaaa shouldn't be that bad just a lot of searching for answers that I'm sure I can locate here on the forum or wiki.
A couple of questions:
Q1: Is v8.0 of MFC-Edit out now?

Q2: Will MFC-Edit work with version 9.0.4 of Java?
My iMac has java 9.0.4. That's all it says in my system preferences.
On the Fractal store it says you need Java version 1.8 32-bit or 64-bit.
1: Yes 8.0 is out.
2: Never heard about 9.0.4 is that some sort of beta? version 8 update 161 build 1.8.0_161-b1 is newest to my knowledge for Mac.
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