MFC-101 question

Dr Git

Hey all. I just got my MFC-101 and for whatever reason, my Delays aren't showing up on the footcontroller (Red or Green)....any idea what i need to do to fix. Thx Pete
Are you in Axe-FX Mode ?
IA#14 is set up for Delay1 (by default). There is no default IA for Delay2.
See Page 16 of the manual for default layout.
If you want Delay2 "switchable", you will need to replace one of the default IA's.
Yes, i am in Axe FX mode using the Preset layout. Your right #13 and 14 are the only 2 not working. One is a delay and the other is a multi delay. I'm a real basic guy. I just want to be able to turn off and on these 2, like i can with nearly everything else. Aside from the delays, the important ones are working on/off (Flange, Chorus, Comp, etc)....i'm just befuddled cause everything else worked right out the box after setup

so basically i want to change mine to work as they were in the default setting, as my unit is used, and prior owner must had set it this way. The way its set up, i need to press reveal to turn on/off my delays. I suppose i can leave it this way.
Dr Git said:
so basically i want to change mine to work as they were in the default setting

1. To restore the MFC-101 to Factory Defaults, hold down Footswitch #11 while powering up.
The display will show the reset prompt while the ENTER LED flashes red: "Restore?Press ENTER"
2. Press ENTER to completely erase all user memory and restore factory settings. The display will show "Restoring..." and the ENTER footswitch LED will turn OFF. Once the restore is complete the MFC-101 will boot normally with factory-fresh settings.

That's from the manual.
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