Looking to improve the electronics in two Carvin's (91-95)


New Member
I'm currently "trying" to upgrade my DC127c's electronics and another Carvin a little newer with four knobs and the same three small toggles (haven't figured out which model since it's still in the shop). I've put great pups in both (bare knuckles in the 127 and Billy C's V1's in the other; but the BC bridge V1 was defective and Railhammer is good enough to be sending me a new one now. I want to replace the 127's Wilkinson trem with a "Hip Shot" (or anything of high quality) and the pots & switches. Can all those electronics, with multiple small circuit boards and small pots just jammed into the cavity, be relatively easy to upgrade with quality pots, cap. and switches? The owner of the shop, I take my guitars to, actually told me when I asked him what he had done for the electronics said (since he does most set-ups now and the tech isn't even in the store), "Oh, it sounds just fine." This is what I presume to be a 91-92 127custom and with my research lately, I'm seeing many opinions that Carvin electronics leave a lot to be desired. When I approached him again he stated, "I think Carvin designed those electronics with the qualities of the guitar in mind like body wood, neck-through, trem, etc." That's hard for me to believe! I really like these Carvin's a lot, and their playability is great!

I'm new to this site, happy to be here, and hope I can provide pertinent responses in the future. Aloha :)
I'm currently "trying" to upgrade my DC127c's electronics and another Carvin a little newer with four knobs and the same three small toggles (haven't figured out which model since it's still in the shop). I've put great pups in both (bare knuckles in the 127 and Billy C's V1's in the other; but the BC bridge V1 was defective and Railhammer is good enough to be sending me a new one now. I want to replace the 127's Wilkinson trem with a "Hip Shot" (or anything of high quality) and the pots & switches. Can all those electronics, with multiple small circuit boards and small pots just jammed into the cavity, be relatively easy to upgrade with quality pots, cap. and switches? The owner of the shop, I take my guitars to, actually told me when I asked him what he had done for the electronics said (since he does most set-ups now and the tech isn't even in the store), "Oh, it sounds just fine." This is what I presume to be a 91-92 127custom and with my research lately, I'm seeing many opinions that Carvin electronics leave a lot to be desired. When I approached him again he stated, "I think Carvin designed those electronics with the qualities of the guitar in mind like body wood, neck-through, trem, etc." That's hard for me to believe! I really like these Carvin's a lot, and their playability is great!

I'm new to this site, happy to be here, and hope I can provide pertinent responses in the future. Aloha :)
Welcome to the forum, boogiedude!

I think Carvin/Kiesel makes electronic component choices based on cost and availability, certainly not the guitar's materials.

I've owned many Carvin/Kiesels over the years - since the '80s. I never had problems swapping-out the electronics when I wanted. The control cavities are large enough and the pot and switch sizes pretty standard.
I played a Carvin DC135 for many years. I never loved the pickups. I found ways to make them work with other gear tailoring the tone. They gave me a good enough signal level but I always felt like I needed an EQ in the mix. I ran one on my pedal board and another in the loop of my amp to get things where I wanted them. Most of the times you hear people complain about the electronics in Carvin guitars they are referring to the pickups. If you are not having any issues with the switches and pots, I would probably leave them alone.
Thanks for your responses SW and JE. . but don't those "electronics" tend to degrade somewhat over three decades?
I appreciate your help with this issue. If I removed everything from the cavities and upgraded with, e.g. pp pots (2) with vol. treble bleed and switch for the 127; and for the other with the four knob pots, how many pp's would you suggest? And new switch of course.
Thanks for your responses SW and JE. . but don't those "electronics" tend to degrade somewhat over three decades?
I appreciate your help with this issue. If I removed everything from the cavities and upgraded with, e.g. pp pots (2) with vol. treble bleed and switch for the 127; and for the other with the four knob pots, how many pp's would you suggest? And new switch of course.
On a 4 knob HH guitar, I like 2 push-pull pots for the tone controls to split the neck and bridge PUs independently.
Are you still using the original electronics, i.e. toggles for splitting pups, and if not, anything special for the volume pots?
Thanks SW. . I just spoke with the owner of the shop and now know he did nothing, i.e. no cleaning pots, etc., for the electronics; and now when I try this DC127custom (I believe) through my Ampeg J-20 jet combo with V30, and the ext. speaker a 12" 8 ohm Eminence 40w. GA-SC64, I get fine "crackles" from the speakers that seems to lessen if I turn the tone knob down a little; but the tone knob, clockwise, can also increase the volume some too. . don't know why but I've been wondering if the JJ ecc803 long plate's, that I put in all three positions of the preamp, may be a little much and I'm now going to try a JJ ec83 recommended for V1; and what's strange is I don't hear this "fine low level crackling" at all with my Tremonti se with 95/92 pups. So, returns me to the Carvin 127 with the Bareknuckle pups, and electronics that weren't touched. Any good ideas from anyone?
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Respectfully, Baptist, I already understand everything you posted. . however the control cavities, holding these preamps that are not held in high regard by many, can easily contain some quality upgrade/mod. components; and I'm simply hoping for someone who knows these preamps, and can suggest excellent character control components for the spacious cavity left behind with removal of said preamps.

Again, Bareknuckle pups in the DC127c and Billy Corgan Signature Z1's in the four knob. BTW the Hipshot trem is supposed to fit perfectly in the 127 without "space constraints."
Respectfully, Baptist, I already understand everything you posted. . however the control cavities, holding these preamps that are not held in high regard by many, can easily contain some quality upgrade/mod. components; and I'm simply hoping for someone who knows these preamps, and can suggest excellent character control components for the spacious cavity left behind with removal of said preamps.

Again, Bareknuckle pups in the DC127c and Billy Corgan Signature Z1's in the four knob. BTW the Hipshot trem is supposed to fit perfectly in the 127 without "space constraints."
Do you have any pictures of the electronics. It can get annoying when dealing with PCBs in a guitar. I understand why they put them in there but I am not a fan of them, looking at you Gibson.
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