loading banks to AFII via Fractal Bot is sloooow!

moo cow

is it normal for the banks to load incredibly slowly when using fractal bot. i wanted to upload the factory banks a, b, and c to my axe and using fractal bot it took 5 or 6 minutes per bank. it laughed out loud at me when i tried all 3 banks at once! seemed like axe edit was about a minute or less last time i used it. should i keep using axe edit for this job. i thought the bot was supposed to be made for exactly this type of request. or is there something i'm missing?
Is this in the wiki or in a manual bc I must have turned that setting on when updating the firmware on my MFC-101 & couldn't figure out until now that was the cause. Perfect timing though bc I have this week off from work & now I'll have more time to play! :)
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