Latency when selecting presets


Hey guys,

I just did a couple gigs this weekend and my MFC-101 Mark I seems to be having a bit of latency when choosing presets. It's small, but there.
I don't remember it ever having this problem before.
It seemed like there were some other weird things happening as well...I couldn't turn my drive IA on/off more than once without selecting another preset and then going back.
Had a hard time focusing on playing with these tech troubles happening.

I'm using an MFC 101 Mark I into an Axe FX II Mark I.
I have the Fractal adapters for using mic cables instead of Cat5...never had an issue with these.

I had upgraded to latest firmware, then just went back to firmware 3.03 to see if it made any difference, it didn't.
The IA's seem to be OK, I will check more.

Do I need to go back further in firmware versions??
Any ideas??

OK, so it looks like it wasn't the firmware.
I had added a second cabinet to a couple patches that seemed to make them take a couple extra milliseconds to load.
Meaning not all patches were slower...
I deleted the second cab and things seem to have gone back to normal.

I will try something similar on my XL and see if it pushes the CPU too much.
Seems it is an FYI when using the ultra-res cabs...2 cabs takes a significant amount of CPU power.
That said, these patches are pretty full of effects and such as well, so using only an amp/cab config may have no issues.
When you get near the CPU ceiling, preset loading slows down.
It's not a MFC thing, it's the Axe-Fx.
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