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Late 70's Marshall JMP Master Model 50w Mk2. Lead

It has arrived. Very nice condition. Haven't had a chance to fire it up yet.

How long does something like this take to go through it, verify components are good to go, and then model it? You have mentioned before it is a time consuming process...
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How long does something like this take to go through it, verify components are good to go, and then model it? You have mentioned before it is a time consuming process...
It takes soon weeks plus soon days to verify everything is correct.
Quite exciting. Johan Segeborn just published a video recommending the 1970s Marshall JMP MkII Superbass as an awesome plexi:

His amp isn't exactly the same as the Master discussed in this thread (he actually has another video comparing the schematics).

Really looking forward to this!
Hey should we do a survey to guess how many weeks/months will it take Cliff and the guys to do this amp and have it available in an update? I think it's the first amp that we have knowlage of when they actually first had them in their hands to start working on it :)
So it took only 73 days from the moment this amp arrived in the Fractal offices (28 Feb) to the day they added it to an firmware update (11 May) and that for me is just simply awesome!!! Can't ask for more from Fractal!... well maybe I can ask just one more thing, that is to hope they do the AX8 update soon to be able to play with it too :)
There were 2 varieties of those amps. The first 50 watt master volumes had parallel inputs:

The later ones had the cascaded input like the JCM800:

If yours has the cascaded or series inputs, then I think you would be better off using the JCM800 amp.
If you have the earliest, series input model, then what Cliff said.

I believe these late 70's amps came with 6550's...everyone I knew wanted there amps changed back to el34's but back in those days, some el34's would simply melt down. Another tube, and it has been alleged that VH used this tube, was the 6ca7. These amps varied from 350vdc to over 450vdc and also varied greatly in the way they sounded from amp to amp.

Thanx! Obviously they will sound significantly different ...
Not only the parallel vs. serial concept but different tone shaping C's as well: 0.022 vs. 0.002 and the 500pF vs 470pF plus 1nF on the later model.

Checking the Q10 default values (500pF bright cap) - is the modeled Plexi 2204 the early (parallel) version high channel ?
It has arrived. Very nice condition. Haven't had a chance to fire it up yet.

After four years... did you had the chance to fire it up? :)

That would be a very nice addition to the collection. It will be a delight to crank some Michael Schenker tones :cool:
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