Killswitch Engage - Arms of Sorrow Cover (part 1)

That sounds great!

Getting really nit-picky here... The intro tone is DEAD on. For the main riff, the album is a little clearer, maybe a little less gain and bring it up front in the mix a little more. It sounds really far away to me. From 0:46 to 1:05, it's awesome. The arpeggio tone at 1:21 is not quite right. It's a little too prominent; Are you using the bridge pickup? Seems really bright.

Overall, this sounds f'n amazing dude. Nice work! I can't wait to hear the legato bridge!
The tone is VERY close!! Good job. I think the original rhythm tone has more balls and presence but the overall tone is there. PATCH! NOW!!! At least tell me what cab. :D

To achieve something closer to the original I'd probably lower the gain and raise treble or middle. Also recording bass would make it a lot better. :)
Maybe this is just the speakers which I am currently listening right now, but there seems to be a little bit of compressor pumping when there is a drum hit that coincides with a guitar chug, causing the guitars to sounds a bit soft on the palm mutes. So, I think the recommendations to slightly back of the gain and slightly adjust your EQ are spot on, but also check any plugins you are using on the mix and master. Overall, I thought you got very, very close. You're in the ballpark, even in the infield, and some slight tweaks will get you to home plate! FWIW, this is still closer than I have been able to manage.
Thanks you guys for the suggestions and comments ;)

The biggest problem is I mixed it on headphones because I'm not at home so I don't have any decent speakers with me. I will upload the patch next week when I return home and probably record the second part of the song and remix the whole thing on speakers.

Basically the signal chain was: TS 808 overdrive -> recto new -> Redwirez Mesa 4x12 SM57 cap 0.5

I also noticed that the mixed lacked some clarity and some high frequencies on guitars and I think they are using the i5 mic blended with the SM57.
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