Keyword search


I looked, but saw no similar requests; apologies if I missed it.

Would it be possible to add a "comments/keywords" field that we users could input to (preferably for presets, scenes, and blocks), and then search/filter on those terms to quickly build lists of appropriate choices? Typical database function, in other words.

For instance: I create presets with various scenes, and add keywords to help with recall of the appropriate rig and config. So, I might have the preset keyworded with "Tele" if the patch was created for a tele, "Vibroverb" if all the scenes were built off a Vibroverb amp (otherwise, attach that keyword to the scene and/or block built with that amp), "tube reverb" and "Memory Man", etc., etc.

Then, when trying to recall which of your 512 presets with 3-8 scenes per patch and perhaps a different amp per scene might work in a given situation, you could just do a keyword search on the appropriate parameters to filter out the chaff.

Extra credit if the search function could be narrowed down to the required level, meaning you could point it at "blocks only" "presets", "blocks and scenes" "scenes only", etc.

Again, apologies if this has been requested before. However, I didn't see a similar request.
There have been requests for enhancements to the Preset and Cab managers and such a thing could be done in Edit but it's very unlikely it'd occur in the front panel.

From what I remember, the possible issues were many: It'd break every time the presets or cabs are moved if it relies on the slot numbers, or it'd break if it relied on the name and the name changed. Edit could be in charge of keeping it updated if its managers were responsible for making the change, but we're able to change the order and name of presets from the front-panel which Edit wouldn't see until a refresh, and then it would be confused whether the slot, or the name changed…

Putting on my developer hat: IF there was a modification to the firmware that embedded that keyword field into the preset or cab slot and then the modeler moved that metadata around internally as the preset/cab moved, and then Edit automatically scanned and retrieved that data when it's scanning for presets/cabs at startup then it might work better, but that's allocating memory for something that might not have the needed available space inside the modeler.

It's hard and only our modeler's developer knows for sure.
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There have been requests for enhancements to the Preset and Cab managers and such a thing could be done in Edit but it's very unlikely it'd occur in the front panel.

From what I remember, the possible issues were many: It'd break every time the presets or cabs are moved if it relies on the slot numbers, or it'd break if it relied on the name and the name changed. Edit could be in charge of keeping it updated if its managers were responsible for making the change, but we're able to change the order and name of presets from the front-panel which Edit wouldn't see until a refresh, and then it would be confused whether the slot, or the name changed…

Putting on my developer hat: IF there was a modification to the firmware that embedded that keyword field into the preset or cab slot and then the modeler moved that metadata around internally as the preset/cab moved, and then Edit automatically scanned and retrieved that data when it's scanning for presets/cabs at startup then it might work better, but that's allocating memory for something that might not have the needed available space inside the modeler.

It's hard and only our modeler's developer knows for sure.
Great reply, points well taken, and I realized that this would be much easier if at all possible in FM-X Edit, should have suggested that; no need to add this functionality to the actual hardware. This is a big ask, with lots of associated cost, and not a minor "free update" type of feature.

In fact, if I think about it, even naming my user-created presets/scenes etc. using a "template", or consistent metadata schema which, for example, would have the first letter to designate clean/light od/heavy od (as C/L/H, or whatever specific mnemonics the user wants) , the next, genre, the third-sixth letters for amp model, and the seventh for perhaps the guitar used (or whatever consistent schema works for you, personally) would at least enable you to alphabetize your creations, so all your "C" (clean) presets are before your "H" (heavy od) presets and then all your "L" (light od) presets. Of course, full keyword multi-filter, search and sort capabilities would be much better, but "better" always costs. You could then look for all clean presets using a Badger 30 with a 4x12" using V30s with reverb and ping-pong delay, for example.

I was a feature PM at MSFT before retiring, so I realize this is quite an involved undertaking, even in the "Edit" programs. And I actually thought this is really a "Mark IV" feature (I personally think my FM3 is already great bang-for-buck, so I don't feel "entitled" to this new and expensive functionality in a free download), so entered it as more of a possible "next-gen" idea.
In fact, if I think about it, even naming my user-created presets/scenes etc. using a "template", or consistent metadata schema which, for example, would have the first letter to designate clean/light od/heavy od (as C/L/H, or whatever specific mnemonics the user wants) , the next, genre, the third-sixth letters for amp model, and the seventh for perhaps the guitar used (or whatever consistent schema works for you, personally) would at least enable you to alphabetize your creations, so all your "C" (clean) presets are before your "H" (heavy od) presets and then all your "L" (light od) presets. Of course, full keyword multi-filter, search and sort capabilities would be much better, but "better" always costs. You could then look for all clean presets using a Badger 30 with a 4x12" using V30s with reverb and ping-pong delay, for example.
We're able to use more than 10 characters for names of presets or scenes, it's just that the scribble strips only show 10 characters so we tend to play within that constraint.

In the Preset and Cab pickers we can assign colors which help differentiate whatever categories we decide the color applies to, and we can search the names of the presets or cabs, so if you use both you can quickly group or find common substrings.

The code for assigning the color is based entirely on the name, so if you have two presets with the same name they'll appear highlighted by the same color, even if they're in different slots. And, if you change the name the color will be unassigned and you'll have to reassign it. There are existing wishes for a more robust system.

and not a minor "free update" type of feature
Well, Fractal wouldn't charge for it, they're like that.
That's a reasonable hack to gain some functionality, but it's far, far less powerful than the keyword and SQL query (or other approach) implementation I am proposing.

And while I am very impressed with Fractal's willingness to support the addition of features to units already sold (and haven't done a lot of research on the internal workings of either of the two different chips Fractal uses in the units), I suspect that this feature request might well necessitate new hardware.

If not, so much the better. But this would be far more powerful than any current methods to search, filter, and sort presets, channels, scenes, etc. It might be overkill for folks who only have and use one or two kitchen sink presets, and maybe 10-15 different discrete scenes, but if you keep the factory presets and build 30 or so of your own, and play 6-7 different idioms using 3+ guitars, this is an industrial-strength way of organizing them.

Pretty surprised this wasn't requested several years ago. It would certainly be a vast improvement, but might be an expensive implementation, or completely impossible with the current generation of FAS hardware.
Pretty surprised this wasn't requested several years ago. It would certainly be a vast improvement, but might be an expensive implementation, or completely impossible with the current generation of FAS hardware.

Request from several years ago:

It's certainly possible, but user experience issues generally don't get high priority at FAS, particularly things like this that would implemented solely in Axe-Edit. Part of the problem might be that Cliff never uses Axe-Edit :). However, the recent introduction of DynaCabs might signal a shift in priorities.
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