Kemper 2.7.0 VS Axe Fx II XL 16.02

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I recently started the journey to purchase one of these great units. After comparing the two side by side to me the Axe Fx II is the clear winner for my personal taste and needs.

Now that I've made my decision with confidence I'll be spending a great deal of time learning this unit to get the most out of it.

Keep rockin!
I drank a Dr. Pepper with lunch today. There was other soda in the vending machine but Dr. Pepper is the clear winner for my personal taste and hydration needs.

Congratulations on your Axe dude, its a great unit and I hope it serves you well, but I don't really understand the point of your post. You gave no details about your taste and needs, or why the Axe worked better for them than the KPA...

What should anyone reading this, and perhaps facing a similar decision take from this thread ? That they should pick the Axe over the KPA because a random person on the internet said it was the winner for them. Not exactly compelling evidence to make a major purchase decision based off...

I'm not trying to pick on you, and I'm glad to have you on the forum, but why not expand your post a bit ?

You posted this in the reviews section and you didn't provide any actual review. A lot of people are trying to pick between these two units, why not share with us what factors made the Axe the winner for you ?
The KPA looks darn cool sitting on top of the Axe, and it gives me a second LCD to help show the world my huge love for Mr. David Gilmour....

However, for the same $2k the Axe cost me, I was able to just go and build copy of the Black Strat, which is just as obvious
^ Nice rig.
Not trying to pull anyone's wings off, but the whole Axe vs Kemper thing just doesn't do anything for anyone. They may get off on it over there but over here we are more refined in our attitude on the subject.
(or at least try to be)
It should be what works for you without having to take a stab at another competitor even thought they may be inferior. ;)
Yeah, on the Kitchen counter right next to that wood block that holds all the steak knives.

Made me LOL. My 2 cents. I have a Kemper and since I updated my XL to firmware 16.02, I rarely touch it. Its not that kemper is not a good unit, I like it. My XL with all the effects, MFC101 mark III with Axedit, MFCedit are a much more complete package. Since 16.02 the tones with all my guitars is incredible ! I can use my Les Paul's, Fenders, Musicmans, Gretschs etc... without having to tweak the patches like I use to. The Tones are incredible right out of the box now with little or no real tweaking necessary but if you want to you can tweak until your ears content. And the Effects... Oh All those wonderful effects, and just as deep tweaking. The included Amps, Cabs,...well you can read the Fractal XL page for all that. I could go on and on but I wont.
nimbas posted in Kemper-Forum:

Kemper 2.7.0 VS Axe Fx II XL 16.02

Recently I found myself wanting either a Kemper or Axe Fx II and doing all the research and listening to sound samples that so many people have done and posted about.

This won't be a long review - I just wanted to encourage anyone going through this process to try both if possible in your home for a week or so at least before making your decision. No amount of research in the world can compare to your own trial. No time trying anything in the store can compare to trying it at home with your own guitar and peaceful environment.

In my case, I had my heart set on a Kemper but actually found the Axe Fx was the unit I preferred once I had a chance to compare the two. That doesn't mean I am saying one is better than the other, but for me and my taste I have made my choice with confidence - and I am excited about moving forward and where this new purchase will take me.

I would like to give insight on how to perhaps approach this. I decided the evaluate the Kemper first because if you order through Musicians Friend or any site like that they typically give you 45 days to evaluate where Fractal only gives you about 10 days. I will say too I got a much better deal on the Kemper - I got the amp head version with the power amp built in for $2357 with no tax and free shipping. Watch for those 15% off deals and learn to negotiate - these sellers will try to fool you but they can apply it to anything - put on your poker face and bluff if you have too. When I placed my order with Fractal for the Axe Fx II XL - I didn't get any discounts and they even made me pay $30 for shipping. No wonder they don't go through normal distribution channels.

Keep rocking dudes. Take opinions as opinions. Realize there are 1000 or more variations to recorded tracks and videos you try to use to compare. These units get updated constantly - one major firmware revision jump can essentially give you an entirely different unit tonally. Do your research and learn your unit ahead of time to maximize your time with it and compare things you like and you choose which one works for you. Compare side by side if you can - don't try to remember what the other one sounded like - be able to A/B them.

It sure is an exciting time to be a guitar player. Just imagine what some of your iconic guitar heroes did with what they had - and what they could do with one of these.

I'm pretty sure these Axe-Fx vs KPA conversations represent a high percentage of all talk on these products on the internet. A lot of people jumping in and getting emotional only gives more attention to both of these products. There's no such thing as bad publicity. That's why I put an actual toaster inside my Kemper. And when ever people compliment my toast I can say that KPA is only doing what it was designed for. (please sense the irony)
I drank a Dr. Pepper with lunch today. There was other soda in the vending machine but Dr. Pepper is the clear winner for my personal taste and hydration needs.

Congratulations on your Axe dude, its a great unit and I hope it serves you well, but I don't really understand the point of your post. You gave no details about your taste and needs, or why the Axe worked better for them than the KPA...

What should anyone reading this, and perhaps facing a similar decision take from this thread ? That they should pick the Axe over the KPA because a random person on the internet said it was the winner for them. Not exactly compelling evidence to make a major purchase decision based off...

I'm not trying to pick on you, and I'm glad to have you on the forum, but why not expand your post a bit ?

You posted this in the reviews section and you didn't provide any actual review. A lot of people are trying to pick between these two units, why not share with us what factors made the Axe the winner for you ?

He's a new user and found something he likes, no need to bash him on his 3rd post. This is the Axe Fx forum ya know.
The KPA looks darn cool sitting on top of the Axe, and it gives me a second LCD to help show the world my huge love for Mr. David Gilmour....

However, for the same $2k the Axe cost me, I was able to just go and build copy of the Black Strat, which is just as obvious

And now you show the reason for your response!?
He's a new user and found something he likes, no need to bash him on his 3rd post. This is the Axe Fx forum ya know.

Like I said, good for him finding something he likes. I'm glad. However............. how is his saying he likes the Axe any more meaningful than my saying I like Dr. Pepper or people saying they like cake etc ? There is no context so whats the point ?
FYI.... we are now up to FW16.02 as well. Well worth the update even though it would require a change to your avatar
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